In the process of healing

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Jin's pov

It’s been a Year now.
They say it gets easier as time passes, and in a way, it does because life goes on. And it sweeps you up and takes you with it, moving you from one moment to next, one day to next, one month to next, and one year to next. Even when you don’t want to and your body feels limp and lifeless, life will carry you.

And suddenly, it's been one year, and the night it happened, I didn’t think I could make it through another second, let alone another day. But somehow, I did it.

The annoying alarm sound wakes me up from my peaceful sleep. My hands searched for the alarm on the table beside my bed and successfully stopped it with closed eye. As I sat on the bed, I lazily opened my eyes and looked around. It’s a mess. My bed, my things, my hair, and my life.

Isn't it weird how you can experience situations throughout your life that are so heartbreaking and stressful that you can't even imagine being okay again? Then, a few weeks, months, or years later, you notice the days go by without thinking about those times. You can laugh, you can smile, and you can realize that you are so much stronger than you thought you could ever be. You realize that you are in fact as strong as everyone was saying you were at the time, and you will in fact get through what you went through. Isn't it amazing how much we can change, how much we can learn, and how much we can grow?

I yawned and stretched more before looking at the time, and my eyes went a little wide. I will be late for my therapy session. I am lost in my thoughts, wasting time. I quickly got out of bed and began my morning routine. My reflection in the mirror doesn’t fail to make me smile, as I notice that I am becoming more beautiful these days. Before I stepped out of my room, I arranged my room because I didn’t want my hyung or Jimin to do that.

“I was about to call you for breakfast."

Jimin said as he took a plated breakfast to the table when he saw me getting out of my room. I grabbed an apple slice and put it in my mouth before running towards the door.
“Yaah, your hyung will put the house upside down if he comes to know you skipped your breakfast." Jimin screamed from the kitchen. But I am in a rush to reach the therapy session on time.

“Your husband won't know this if you don’t spill it on him. Iam leaving. Bye.”

I ran towards the elevator and got inside before relaxing for a moment. I think Jimin can manage my hyung very well. And that’s why they end up getting married after Hyung confesses his feelings to Jimin. I was in utter shock when I came to know that my best friend and my hyung were dating. But I don’t get upset. It's their life. They have the right to choose their partner. So I am happy for them.


I think I reached 10 minutes later for my session when I looked at the time. My hyung was the one who suggested this therapy session. At first, I was against the idea, but later, I thought it would be good if I gave myself some time. I wish my therapist would not notice that I am a little late. Even if he looks like a bright person, always smiling and kind, he is strict when it comes to punctuality because he devours all his time and effort in his profession, and he wants his patients to do the same.

I took a deep breath before getting into his room.

“Good morning." I gave him a warm smile. And he returned a bright smile from where he sat.

He has a habit of walking along with his patients to the door after the session. As my session finished, we walked along, and before I opened the door,

“Thank you, once again.” I said politely.

He just smiled and began to stare at me. These days, he is making it obvious. I lost count of how many times he stared at me today.

“You are thinking a lot now that you zone out sometimes.” I commented.

He simply smiled before he spoke.

“Iam thinking If you could love someone this much who isn’t right for you, imagine how great it will be when it's the right person.”

I felt speechless after his words. He was sure a nice human being, and that’s why his words are affecting me. I didn’t know what to say in return, so I stood silently.

“Have a nice day.” He warned me I should leave. So I didn’t waste any seconds.

My mind was clouded with so many thoughts as I walked outside. I stopped to call a taxi, but sudden ly


When I heard the call, my heart stopped for a second. I froze where I was, and then my heart began to race, my hands and legs began to sweat, and my breathing rate rose. I refuse to turn back. Bit

“Jungkook” A lady came running near me and picked up a little boy who was standing near me, which I only noticed then.

“How many times has Eomma told you not to run outside?" She walked away with a kid still scolding him for running away from her hold.

I began to breathe normally after that. For a second, I thought I was going to meet the person I didn’t want to see again.

Every time I hear his name, it pierces through my soul. Just because I still keep the ring with me doesn’t mean I will go back to him when he shows up again. And that also doesn’t mean I hate him. I don’t think I could ever truly hate someone. I don’t even want to. I might hate the things someone did to me or to the one I love, but to truly hate a person. I don’t think I would want to have so much weight on my heart. I would rather push them out of my mind and my world so that I never hate, see, or speak to them again.


The sound of children chit-chatting and playing with the paper and paintbrush can be heard from outside the class. As a particular foot steps near the class, the noise begins to decrease. The students stood up and thanked their art teacher as he entered the class. Their art teacher gave them a simple smile before greeting them back. Today their art teacher told them to paint a person they loved the most in their lives. The children became happy after hearing about it and began to draw and paint. And among the children, two were talking between the class in a low voice. This wasn’t going unnoticed by their art teacher. As class ends, everyone starts to leave, Bit

“Sughoon, Soobin.”

The said children stopped and walked to where their teacher was, as they saw this coming.

When everyone except the two children and the teacher left, the silence around them made the two children a little nervous.

“What is there to talk about this much during the class?” The teacher asked.

The two children looked at each other before looking at their teacher.
They seem hesitant but decide to speak as they know they have no other way.

“It was Soobin. He was the first one who began to talk.” Sunghoon said it suddenly. Soobin gets a little shocked.

“But he was the one who began to talk about the teacher's pendant.” Soobin said.

The teacher arched his eyebrow.
“What is about it?”

“He said it would be given by someone special so that you never take it off.”

The teacher's expression changed when he heard it. He slowly looked at the ring, which he had hung on a chain as a pendant, and traced it.

“Teacher is in love.” The naughty kids whispered.

"Yes,” the teacher said, shocking the kids because they thought he hadn’t heard.

“What has he done to you to love him so much?” Soobin asked, seeing his teacher becoming emotional over the ring.

“He hasn’t done anything. He is a piece of love itself.”

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