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It was a new morning; the sun filtered through the skylight, illuminating the room, while birds sang their tunes, and in the distance, the sounds of nature could be heard. There seemed to be no walkers nearby, a good sign.

Jade slowly opened her eyes, heavy with fatigue. Despite wishing to stay in that comfortable bed for at least four more hours, she was interrupted when she felt someone jumping on her and licking her face. It was Amelia and Chester.

"Good morning!" greeted the brunette cheerfully.

"You're heavy" complained Jade.

"I'm not an elephant" responded Amelia, laughing.

"Are you not? Well, I think you are" they both looked at each other seriously before bursting into laughter.

The atmosphere was comforting. They weren't being chased by zombies, had a good rest, and Jade had Chester and a new friend by her side. It was the best thing that had happened to her in a long time.

Suddenly, the growling of Amelia's stomach broke the silence. The need for food became apparent. But where could they find food? Would Amelia like venison?

"Do you like eating venison?" Jade asks.

"What!? Are you crazy!?" Amelia dramatizes.

"Is that a yes?"

"That's a clear no."


"We need to go in search of supplies..."

Supplies, that was the priority.

"How much longer are we going to walk?" the brunette complains, dragging her feet.

"We've been out for ten minutes" sighs Jade.

"That's a lot of time" she emphasizes the last two words.

"Look, there's the supermarket" points Jade.


Amelia began to search for the supermarket in an exaggerated manner. She longed to enter one again, although she knew the experience wouldn't be the same. A supermarket infested with zombies was not exactly her dream place, but it was a supermarket!

"I don't see it."

"I think you need glasses" Jade comments with a laugh, receiving a barking agreement from Chester.

"Will there be a zombie optometrist?" she asks."Maybe" shrugs Jade "can you imagine a zombie clown?"

"If clowns already scare me, I don't want to imagine them as zombies" Amelia shudders at the thought.

Jade was about to comment on what Amelia had said, but she suddenly stopped walking. A horde of zombies completely surrounded the supermarket.

"Don't mess with me..."

"Those are a lot of zombies..."

"No way am I going through there."

"Okay" Amelia shrugged, ready to leave.

"Hey, you're not going either, are you crazy?"


"We don't have weapons."

"We don't need them."

"If you remember, we're in a zombie apocalypse, right?"

"Yeah, I already know that" she smiles.

"Well, if they see you, they're not coming to hug you..." Jade looked at her in silence, waiting for the other's response, who just smiled— tell me you noticed my sarcasm.

How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse ©Where stories live. Discover now