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Perhaps it would have been wiser to secure the main door with something heavier than a couple of supermarket carts.


"This was the worst plan ever!" she shouts as she runs.

"Why? Why did I come up with it?"

"Exactly!" she exclaims "If we had followed my plan, we wouldn't be running for our lives!"

"Just a reminder, you agreed to it."

Jade and Amelia were running from the zombies. Who would have thought that the undead know how to climb stairs?... Well, everyone knows that. Perhaps they do it with some difficulty, but not these.

"I agreed because you made us delay, and your plan seemed reasonable."

The zombies started to corner them against a wall on the second floor, which was destroyed and led outside the supermarket.Amelia took a misstep, causing her to fall through the large hole in the wall, but Jade managed to grab her hand.

"Take my other hand!" she extends the aforementioned body part.


"I'm not proposing; I'm trying to save your life!"

"I said no!"

"Why not!? Are you crazy?" she turns her head to see the zombies getting closer.

"I have a plan... Do you trust me?"


"Smart girl" she smiles.

The brunette puts her feet on a part of the wall that was still standing and gains momentum to pull her friend and fall.

Their bodies hit the ground, causing them to groan in pain. Adrenaline and the urgency to escape gave them the strength to get up quickly.

"Chester" Jade whispers alarmed "Chester!" she shouts, getting up.

The little animal was watching everything from the second floor.

"Can he jump from the second floor?" the brunette asks, very concerned.

The dog's owner couldn't respond as she realized her pet had jumped from the second floor.


"Oh my god!"

The little dog falls onto Amelia, causing her to fall on her backside.


"Chester! I'm so glad you're okay!" she hugs him.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking."


Congratulations, you've managed to survive a horde of invading zombies, but unfortunately, your belongings are left behind in what used to be a secure shelter.Now you face two options:

a) Act recklessly and risk recovering your things, knowing it could cost you your life.

b) Make the sensible decision to distance yourself from the place and seek more supplies for your survival.

Any person with common sense and reasoning would choose option b, opting for prudence and searching for resources away from immediate danger.

However, Amelia, in her peculiar style, decided to go for option a. 

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