A Servant To Pleasure

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TW: Hot make-out session (^///^) (did I say this was going to be "romantic"? Because what I meant was "horny")

It was a quick run back to base. Bullfrog had already cleared the path of any threats on his way there. Still, the two snuck through the shadows as usual. Through the building window, up the stairs, climb up to the roof. And they were home free. "Thank god, my clothes are ripped to hell." Ramon groaned. Bullfrog finally noticed the state his outfit was in as well. "This blood will be a pain to get out..." They each assumed their sides of the room, facing away from each other as they began to strip themselves of their dirty clothes.

Ramon wasn't quite satisfied with their little "incident" earlier. It had left him wanting more. And it gave him a plan.

"Sooooo, shall we continue where we left off?" Ramon threw off his ruined sweater, tossing it aside. "What do you mean?" Bullfrog had begun to change into his casual clothes he had taken from his newly acquired lover. A pair of hands ran their way up his bare chest. Bullfrog stiffened, making a small croaking noise. "Something along these lines." Ramon moved closer, giving little pecks down Bullfrog's cheek. It was obvious he knew what he was doing, this was his forte. He knew how to please his lovers. "Unfair, y-you gave no warning!" Bullfrog had immediately fallen prey to Ramon's charms, leaning back into him. But as he felt the floating hand move lower, he quickly panicked and stopped him, his instincts kicking in. 

"Oh, sorry, did I do something wrong?" Ramon reeled himself in. "N-non, non! I just wasn't expecting that." Bullfrog could feel his pulse. Just a simple touch on his hips had made his heart rate spike. He knew where Ramon's final destination was and he just wasn't prepared to take it that far yet. "Just go slowly, okay?" He took Ramon's hand and placed it where it was before. "No touching lower than here, d'accord?" "Oui oui, my love." Ramon's terrible French accent made Bullfrog laugh. The two slowly moved to Bullfrog's mattress. Ramon sat slowly, bringing Bullfrog down with him, pressing his lips on a trail down the sensitive frog's neck. And sensitive was an understatement. Every slightest contact provoked a variety of noises. "So how do you want this to go?" "What do you mean?" Bullfrog seemed a little let down to have his barrage of love interrupted by a question he didn't understand. "I mean what do you like? Any requests?" "Oh... I don't, I've never really..." Bullfrog stuttered. Ramon watched as he tried to explain himself, slowly catching on.

"Oh. Oh! First time, hm?~" A new seductive tone had overtaken him. Bullfrog nodded timidly. This changed things. His nervous demeanor, his sensitivity to touch, the small noises he would make when Ramon's warm breath teased him. He must have never done anything like this before. "Well that explains a lot." Ramon pulled Bullfrog into his lap. "I can walk you through it, if that would help." It was obvious how uncomfortable Bullfrog was, worried about messing up the mood. "It's no fun if only one of us is enjoying ourselves." A small peck on the lips was enough to convince the timid frog.  

"First, we get comfortable." Ramon adjusted himself, keeping Bullfrog at eye level. "Well, you don't have to explain everything, I'm not clueless..." Bullfrog adjusted himself as well, scooting closer to Ramon slightly. "Now, second, I'm gonna touch and you tell me where you start to feel 'it'." "What is 'it'?" Ramon slid his hands across Bullfrog's chest. "Trust me, you'll know." The hands wandered again, moving down along the sides of Bullfrog's frame. Though he was riddled with scars from battles long ago, his skin was smooth to the touch. His well-defined muscles were explored thoroughly by Ramon's hands. "How's this?" "It's good, y-your hands are a little cold though, mon ami." "Oh, sorry! Here, this'll help." Ramon breathed into his hands, rubbing them together furiously. Once they were adequately warmed, he resumed his exploration of Bullfrog. "Better?" Bullfrog couldn't respond in words, though he didn't need to. He had bitten down on his lip to prevent himself from making anymore noise. He felt the warmth of Ramon's hands get lower, tracing patterns down his sides. 

Suddenly, he jolted forward, leaning completely into Ramon. "Ah! Arrêt!" Ramon lifted his hands. "So we found the spot, hm?" The spot he was referring to was right above Bullfrog's hips, the small area where his bone protruded just the slightest bit on either side, making a small V. He laid his hands there again and Bullfrog shivered. "How's that feel?" "Like an electric shock down my spine!" "Jeez, how sensitive can one frog be?" Ramon teased him, running a finger up and down his back. "Shut it, connard stup- hah!" He felt a finger poke into his sides, right in his most sensitive spot. "I'd watch what you say to me, I know your weakness now.~" Bullfrog trembled in his grasp, but he sat up to look Ramon in the eye. "You sneaky bastard." He snickered.

"And third, the part we've all been waiting for-" Ramon put on his classic TV voice. "-we kiss." Bullfrog rolled his eyes. "Oh really? Thank you for explaining, professor." His sarcasm cut through his tiny, almost whimper like sounds when he felt Ramon play with his hips like he did. The two met in the middle, lips connecting. Bullfrog felt the odd sensation of Ramon's tongue reaching to entangle with his own, a feeling he wasn't expecting. He returned the favor, using his flexible tongue to overpower Ramon's. That earned a deep grunt from his lover. But Ramon used his trump card again, teasing Bullfrog's hips to bring back control. They pulled away from each other though Bullfrog still wanted more action. His mouth hung open slightly, even after they had stopped.

"And those are the basics. Feel like you've got a good grip on it?" Ramon held Bullfrog's chin. "The nerve, messing with me like this." Bullfrog moved in again, having no patience for Ramon's games. But the hand stopped him, a firm grasp keeping him in place. "Getting greedy, are we?" Ramon bore his sharp teeth in a wide grin. It was like he was a whole new person. It made Bullfrog's heart skip a beat. "You've gotta ask nicely." Bullfrog had gotten a taste of something sweet and he couldn't stop now. "Mon amour, this feels amazing. Just a little more, s'il te plaît?" His amour. Bullfrog had never gotten the chance to call someone that, but it felt like now was the perfect time. Even Ramon was shocked, becoming a bit flustered. "Alright fine, get over here." He released the needy assassin, letting him have his prize. 

Ramon knew Bullfrog could easily overpower him. He was built for close combat and, at it's core, these were similar circumstances. So how come he hadn't just pushed through his grip for another kiss? The answer was obvious, he liked the struggle. He gave Ramon control willingly. Between their sloppy make out, during the moments where they caught their breath, he would gaze at the man sitting here in front of him. "I'm glad you trust me that much."  

Writer's Note: Just a little peek at their sexual dynamic for all the people who have been waiting (looking at you, @2_Strawberry_9, you're welcome haha)! And yeah, sry it's short, I do plan on making another longer part soon tho!

 Fun headcanon: If you haven't noticed already, Bullfrog starts to speak more French when he's very emotional and that counts for sex too. I've seen this in a bunch of other fanfics I've read and I find it so adorable, I had to implement it in my story!

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