Obligatory Christmas Chapter

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Red and green decorations covered the hotel halls, employees hanging up even more as they went along. "A little late for decorating." Ramon watched through the peephole as the commotion of rushed workers grew and faded. When the coast was clear, he threw on his coat. "Hey Bull, I'm going out!" He called over his shoulder. "I'll be back soon!" "D'accord!" Bullfrog's voice echoed from the bathroom. Dawning his black ballcap, Ramon left for his solo mission. Which just so happened to be Christmas shopping. The first Christmas has to be special, the ideal that built every single romantic Christmas movie that ever existed. Given the lack of hotel provided entertainment, he had been forced to watch hours of holiday movies. Bullfrog had offered him some respite from his self induced torture, different books he could read and games they could play. But Ramon had given up on his book after the first few chapters. He had never been a big reader, he'd just wait for the movie to come out. Sometimes he'd even star in it. 

All of the holiday spirit had reminded him that he should probably get Bullfrog a gift. Ramon wasn't really a gift giving type, he was usually too worried he'd pick something dumb. But he could find something, he was sure he could. "What would a French, hybrid, usually moody, assassin want for Christmas?" Ramon asked himself as he passed storefronts. "So specific. Just him, what would he like?" He thought long and hard, searching the depths of his memories from his time with Bullfrog. "He steals my clothes a lot... maybe getting him a nice sweater that actually fits him?" It was definitely a place to start. He would wander for a while longer, poke his head into more stores, see if he could come up with anymore ideas.


Bullfrog suited up. Dressed in his most casual outfit, his assassin garbs underneath, he followed in Ramon's footsteps and snuck out into the city. He double checked the credits he had on hand. "Assez bien." He whispered. As he walked with the crowd, he slipped through the gaps between the rows of people. He didn't know this part of the city very well. The foot traffic would lead him where he needed to go, he assumed. Towards the shops full of hungry customers chomping at the bit for last minute presents. Which, Bullfrog thought, was exactly what he was now.

"What would a former TV star turned rebel and murderer want for Christmas?" Bullfrog thought to himself as he entered his first store. "Si spécifique. What would Ramon want?" It had been years since Bullfrog had gotten to go out gift shopping. Obviously, he had nobody to buy gifts for. That just made this even more special. Not only was it his first gift in years, it was his first gift to his first lover. "Maybe a nice bottle of wine? He certainly enjoys his alcohol." No, he seemed to be getting along just fine with the hotel's supplies. A little too well, in Bullfrogs opinion. Waltzing through the shop didn't help with ideas. "Why did I think this would be easy?" Whatever he would get, it had to be perfect. It had to mean something. 

"Nothing here, next store." Bullfrog swiftly exited back into the busy sidewalk. He wanted to get this done quickly. The longer he roamed, the bigger the chance of being spotted. The general public seemed to be much less aware of Bullfrog and Ramon's continued hiding as of late. No new news regarding the two had been made public in quite some time. Still, the assassin aired on the side of caution and chose to take full measures to hide himself. He wouldn't have cared as much if it weren't for Ramon. If anything happened to one, the other would suffer, and Bullfrog refused to take that kind of chance. He popped into the next store. Walls adorned with tiny trinkets practically blinded Bullfrog with their bright and colorful shine. The smell of mint candy canes and gingerbread spread throughout the room. Bullfrog took a deep breath in to savor the wonderful scents. He was never a fan of winter, but he enjoyed Christmas. Apart from his green skin, you could hardly call him a grinch. 

He studied shelves closely, but nothing seemed to catch his eye. Bullfrog knew Ramon wouldn't be picky. He'd probably like anything he got. But that wasn't enough for Bullfrog. This was an opportunity to make Ramon feel the way he felt every day. This gift would be his revenge for every surprise touch, every sly comment, every kind word he'd ever said that made Bullfrog feel like he was floating on clouds. "Must be perfect... next store." Bullfrog's vision had grazed over every item in this store, still left without a reward. Maybe he was just over compensating. But even thinking about Ramon opening his gift and seeing that childish smile spread across his big, dumb face, made Bullfrog smile just the same. And a surprise gift, at that. The frog had refrained from telling Ramon about his plans. When he heard about his partners mysterious solo mission, he realized there wouldn't be another opportunity like this. Not only was he hiding from the Eden police force, he kept a watchful eye out for his companion, ready to hide in the nearest alley at the sight of Ramon. He gazed into the window of a well established jewelry store. "Hm, certainly fancy enough. I never see him with any- oh." No neck for necklaces, no arms for bracelets and Bullfrog seriously doubted they made rings that big. "Right." He groaned, slumping away. This was way more difficult than he thought.

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