Jigsaw wept.

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Chemo wasn't doing John any good, yet he still went. He also still went to the group therapy sessions, where he listened to other cancer patients tell their stories, hoping to have his faith in humanity restored. It was Gordon's suggestion, apparently he'd had patients who felt better after attending therapy, and John decided to give it a shot.

"Have you received yours yet?" Amanda asked Lawrence, she seemed distressed.


"John's apparently giving out lists of future assignments to his apprentices, y'know, for after he passes. Hoffman got one, did you?"

Lawrence turned around to face her fully and he shook his head.

"Honestly, I don't think I'm going to get one, he knows I don't want to kidnap anyone, and I truly believe he respects my wishes." Lawrence sighed and looked around.

"Okay. I'm going to kidnap David Radford, I'll be back later." She said, as she zipped up her red coat and headed towards a table of different pig masks. She grabbed the third one and threw it under her arm before leaving.

Adam watched her leave before turning towards Lawrence.

"The pig masks. They belong to you guys right?" He curiously asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, each one belongs to a different person. I don't exactly know why, I guess it's to be able to tell each other apart. Mine's the fourth one there."

Adam looked back at the fourth mask. Each mask was only slightly different. Amanda's one had long flowing black wig hair, and bleeding eyes. Hoffman's one had short grey hair and seemed more squished. Lawrence's one was the pinkest out of all of them and had larger ears. The first one was basic, as was the fifth.

"The first one is John's?" Adam asked.

"No, the fifth is. The first one is just a spare I think."

Adam got up and looked at each one, wondering if there were other discernible features on them.

"Amanda. She always wears that red coat when she goes out. Hoffman always wears a raincoat. John wears that black and red cloak. I feel like I need a theme, do you have one?"

"Adam, I already told you, I don't do the kidnappings. If I ever do go out with that thing on, I'm just wearing the same cloak as John, he has multiple." Lawrence then looked at his phone and ignored another call from Alison.

"Why do you do this?" Adam finally asked, exasperated.

"What do you mea-"

"Don't give me that shit. Why do you stay here with John? You don't kidnap people, you just help with everything else, so why do you stay?" Adam's eyes didn't avert.

Lawrence turned away from him.

"Call it, unfaltering loyalty. He saved my life, you wouldn't abandon somebody like that, would you?" He turned back around but could not look Adam in the eyes.

"Is this really worth it though? Sure he saved you, but he also is the one who kidnapped you."

"...Technically that was Hoffman."

"No! Shhh! Who sent Hoffman after you? That's right, it was John. He may have saved your life, but he also ruined your life!" Adam shouted, grabbing Gordon's phone and shoving it in his face. Gordon stared at him, wanting to say something back and prove to Adam he was in the right... but nothing came to him.

"Why don't you leave then Adam?"

Adam got up and lit a cigarette. He didn't get to do that a lot, since John was completely adamant that smokers didn't appreciate life... but John wasn't here.

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