You saw through bone, I saw through you.

25 3 0

"Adam, Parker Sears is on his way, you moved the money right?" Amanda asked, as she threw a flip phone across the office.

"Yeah, I switched the money for Pederson's patient files. Don't you think the timer should've been longer, Amanda?"

She turned quickly. "What do you mean? I didn't tamper if that's what you're implying."

"Well Valentina basically won, she was a second off and still died. I think she should've been spared."

"Listen Adam! Even if I wanted to, the trap was set to go off when the timer ended. She didn't do it in time and she died, I couldn't spare her, neither could Kramer."

Amanda turned away from Adam, and he left her alone, heading to the brain surgery device that was to be used for Mateo. He looked at it and considered tampering with the timer himself, to assist Mateo, before he remembered the files in the trash. Not only had they scammed Kramer, they'd scammed countless innocent and desperate people. Sick and dying people who didn't deserve to have their money taken by these selfish cunts. So he left it as it was.

Amanda entered, with an unconscious Mateo.

"It's ready?" She asked, Adam nodded and they both carefully put him into the chair. Adam set off the machinations to move the chair into the room, before he and Amanda headed to the observation deck.

"Gabriela is next. We're saving Pederson for last."

Amanda visibly tensed up, turning pale. Both Adam and John noticed.

"What?" John asked.

"Sometimes... we get sucked into things that... are against our nature." Tears began to form on her lashes. "Drugs are as vicious as they are powerful."

John looked down at Amanda. "We all have free will."

Amanda rubbed her eyes before she nodded and left. Adam's gaze followed her as she left. Then he followed her.

"Amanda... I'm so sorry for what John said."

"It's fine. John is right. He's always right." She then walked off to grab some supplies, whilst Kramer watched Mateo fail his trap, again at the last second. John stood up and headed towards Amanda, who noticed somebody on the monitors yelling.

With them gone, Adam rushed to the terminal, lowering the heat of the radiation trap to give Gabriela more of a chance. He then pulled up his phone.

"Ah, Adam. Are you returning soon?"

"I don't know, but I think I will be. We've gotten through 2 of the 5 victims already. How are things back there, has Hoffman caused any issues?"

"No, no it's all good. Though John called me a few minutes ago requesting I buy another pig mask, he didn't say what for, but that's likely not a good sign."

"A new apprentice?"

"I'm not sure. He said something about a trap? We can discuss it more when you return."

"Okay. I have to go, take care of yourself."


"Oh, finally you picked up, what took you so long?"

"Well Hoffman, unlike you, I was actually helping with these traps. Now what do you want?"

"I was just checking in, y'know, making sure everything is going according to plan. I noticed the spare Pig mask was missing."

"Yeah, John took it. Why?"

"No reason. If you need me I'm just-"

"We're perfectly fine without you."


SAW you OffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora