Character Profile

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An apothecary in the pleasure district. Normally rather unemotional, she becomes a different person where medicines and poisons are concerned. Daughter of a courtesan and the military strategist Lakan.


Played the part of a eunuch in the rear palace, but his true identity is the Emperor's younger brother. Secrets surround his birth. So beautiful that some people claim that if he were a woman, he could bring the country to its knees.


Formerly Jinshi's attendant and minder. Now that role is played by his son, and Gaoshun serves the Emperor personally.


Gaoshun's son; Jinshi's attendant.


Maomao's father. An eccentric military strategist who wears a monocle. Extraordinarily capable, but not easy to deal with. He's up to his ears with love for his daughter, but Maomao hates him.


Maomao's cousin. Actually the son of Lakan's half-brother, but Lakan has adopted him. Another eccentric.


Maomao's granduncle and adoptive father; an extremely accomplished physician.

Consort Lishu

One of the Emperor's four most favored consorts. Very young and still timid.


Formerly one of the Emperor's four favored consorts. She had a son with His Majesty. Once...


Granddaughter of the former emperor, and a survivor of the otherwise exterminated Shi clan. Possesses knowledge as an apothecary.


Also known as Shisui. Half-sister of Suirei. Formerly one of the Emperor's four favored consorts. A member of the Shi clan, she fled the rear palace, a serious crime. It's currently unknown if she's alive.

Empress Regnant

Mother of the previous emperor, grandmother of the current Emperor. A powerful woman who conducted politics in place of her son; however, dark rumors persist about her. Deceased.

The Former Emperor

A variety of ugly names for him circulate: he's called the Idiot Emperor, the Fool Prince, and a pedophile. Deceased.

Empress Gyokuyou

Hails from the west. Formerly one of the Emperor's four favored consorts, now his empress. Has one son and one daughter with the current Emperor; her son is the current heir apparent.

The Madam

The old lady who runs the Verdigris House, the brothel where Maomao has her shop. A real miser.

The Three Princesses

Pairin, Meimei, and Joka. The three most popular courtesans at the Verdigris House.


A child survivor of the Shi clan. Because he was given the "resurrection drug," half his body is paralyzed and he's lost his memories of everything before he took the medicine.


A soldier-acquaintance of Maomao's. Head over heels in love with Pairin.

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