Problems Accumulate

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One thought dogged Maomao: This is a hell of a thing.

For important people in this world, there was no such thing as love, only a search for the most appropriate partner to help carry on their bloodline by leaving a child behind. Maomao found herself thinking about why exactly Ah-Duo had brought Consort Lishu with her. Maybe she's to be given away.

She had never really been cut out for being one of the four ladies, the Emperor's most-favored consorts. Her family background was distinguished enough, but she'd always lacked the killer instinct that enabled one beautiful blossom of the rear palace to trample on all the others. Instead, she'd always been mocked or ignored in turn by her own ladies. Frankly, she might be happier if the Emperor were to give her away in marriage to someone else.

The issue was whom the Emperor had in mind.

He certainly has a lot to offer as a partner, Maomao thought. But he potentially had even more drawbacks. This was a man so beautiful that he could have brought the nation to its knees were he a woman. Notwithstanding the scar on his face, if and when it came to light that he actually wasn't a eunuch, the reaction would be fearsome indeed.

Could that explain why the consort was attacked?

No, it seemed doubtful... But even as Maomao tried to convince herself that wasn't the reason, she quaked to realize how many of the dots it connected. How many lives would the nation-demolishing beauty turn upside down just by his mere existence?

In any case, the modus operandi of the bandits who had attacked Ah-Duo's carriage was something new. Instead of being "righteous thieves" or whatever and accepting half the travelers' possessions as a toll, they'd been willing to slice off a guard's arm and threaten to sell a young woman for profit. If Basen hadn't arrived with reinforcements, someone might have died.

Then there was the strange band on their wrists—did it serve as a way for the bandits to identify each other?

Thus it was that Maomao found herself lolling on a bed at an inn. The wounded guard was healing up here in town, and meanwhile they were trying to find replacements for the damaged carriage and escaped horses. It wasn't Maomao's job to get provisions this time, and she'd already confirmed that there were no interesting medicines at the local apothecary's shop. Since it was Ah-Duo's man who had been hurt, Suirei was in charge of his care, and her skill was such that there was no need for Maomao to intervene.

Hence, free time. At least until a knock came at the door. Wondering who it could be, Maomao opened the door—and was surprised by who she found.

Consort Lishu stood there, her face covered with a veil. "Pardon me. May I come in?" As ever she seemed skittish, like a small animal.

"Please," Maomao said, and Lishu darted into the room as quick as a mouse. She was looking around anxiously, perhaps a sign that she'd slipped out of her room without telling anyone. Maomao offered her a chair and she sat down, still looking a little overwhelmed. It might have been proper etiquette to offer tea at this point, but if Maomao went asking for hot water, it could very well give away that the consort was here. Instead she decided to offer some mooncakes. Without anything to drink it would leave their throats dry, but, well, it was the thought that counted.

"What's going on? Your ladies-in-waiting are going to get in trouble," Maomao said. "Is your usual chief lady-in-waiting with you?" Maomao didn't think she had seen her around. Lishu had some ladies, but Maomao didn't think she recognized any of them from the rear palace.

"I was told I was the only one who would be leaving the palace. My father assigned the attendants." She spoke softly, but more firmly than Maomao had expected. Maybe she was getting used to the young apothecary. Maomao had helped her out on more than one occasion, and it hurt a little that Lishu always seemed a bit terrified by her.

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