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Leigh knew how none of it was easy at the minute. There was a load of tension at work. And she knew it was because of Max and what he had done.

Leigh knew how her relationship with Max didn't help at all. She knew it was a mess and she hated it.

Leigh knew how there was tension with Mia and Max. And she hated how torn that she felt between the man that she loved and her best friend.

She knew how she just wanted it to all be okay. But she knew that it was never that simple.

Leigh stood in the kitchen. She smiled as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She looked to Max who smiled. "How are you?" He asked.

Leigh smiled. "Tired. But I'm okay. How did lunch go with Mia. Are you able to sort things out?"

Max looked to her. He shrugged.  "Baby steps. We want to fix it. But it's not that easy. I need to prove that she can trust me. But then there is also things with her and Tom. They aren't easy. And I don't want to ruin that for her," he said as Leigh turned to face him. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck. She smiled as she leant in and kissed him. "I know how things are but it will be okay. It will work out. I'm here for you okay?" She said as Max looked to her and smiled. 


Leigh got to work. She was stood in the staffroom. She smiled as she looked to see Mia as she walked in and smiled at her. "Hey how are you doing? I heard things with Max went okay?" Leigh asked. 

Mia looked to her and smiled. "It did. But it's hard. He's my brother and all. But I want Tom to be okay with it. My relationship is important. And when Max did what he did, Tom was by my side so I don't want to lose him you know?" She said.

Leigh looked ti her and smiled. "I get it. Look I know how the whole situation isn't easy. But I'm here okay. And I am your best friend. No matter what you decide no one is going to hold it against you," she said. 

Leigh knew how the whole situation was and how none of it was easy.

All that she knew was that she wanted to try and find a way to make it all work out.


Leigh sat in her classroom. She smiled as Rachel walked in. She looked to her and smiled. "Hi love how are you?" Rachel asked. 

Leigh smiled. "I'm fine."

"I feel as if I have hardly seen you. I think this situation with Max has come between us slightly."


"No it's okay. Look you're my daughter. And I love you. I want everything to be okay. I don't want Max to get to us. That's all," Rachel said. 

Leigh looked to her and smiled. "You don't need to worry. It will be okay," she said.

Little did she know how it was going to be far from it.

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