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Authors Note;
Mia Tyler along with any kiddies belong to Carolineeexx

Leigh sat in the canteen with Rachel, Kim and Chris. Rachel smiled. "We all went through the ringer last term didn't we? But this one is gonna be different," she said.

"Maybe we should get in some outside help?" Chris asked as he looked at the women he was sitting with.

Rachel looked at him and frowned. "What like physiologists?"

"Or an exorcist," Kim said as she looked at Rachel.

Rachel laughed. "Come on. Kim, Leigh, Max Tyler's gone. Forget about him. You know there's a lot that happened last term that we're not proud of. But we need to just forget about it. We're going to take this school into the future."

Leigh sighed. "It's not going to be the too distant future for me though actually. I'm going to have to take maternity leave."

Rachel paled. She looked at her daughter. "Is that good news?" Rachel asked. She knew that the baby was Max's.

Leigh shrugged. "Well it's Max's baby if that's what you're asking. And before you ask, I'm keeping it,"

Chris nodded. "What's Max saying about that?"

Leigh sighed. She was about to lie to the people she worked with. "Nothing. Because he doesn't know about it. He's not going to know anything about it," she told them.

Leigh took a deep breath and smiled as she saw Tom. He saw how pale she looked. "Are you okay?" Tom asked.

Leigh nodded. "Yeah I'm okay. Just not feeling the best right now," she told him.

Tom could tell that she wasn't being honest. "You know you can talk to me."

"I do. Where's Mia? I know that she's finding it hard with what happened to Max," Leigh said.

Tom smiled and nodded. "Yeah. She is finding it hard. I know Max didn't approve of us with Mia being his little sister. But with all that happened, and everyone seems to be blaming her for Max," Tom said.

Leigh sighed and nodded. "Mia isn't to blame. She is Max's sister. But she is a good person. And it's going to be okay. Max is gone and I'm pregnant with his baby," Leigh said.

"You're not alone. It's going to be okay," he said as he looked at her.

Mia walked into the room. She smiled. "What are you two talking about?" Mia asked as she walked over to Tom and kissed him.

"Your brother," Leigh told her as she took a sip of the hit chocolate she had been carrying around with her.

Mia looked at her and smiled. She sighed. "It's going to be okay. You know that right? I'm your best friend and I'm here," Mia said as Leigh smiled.

Leigh knew Mia was the only one who knew that Max was still involved.


Leigh sighed as she stood in her flat. She answered the door and smiled as she saw Max. She looked at him and smirked as he walked inside. "Are you okay?" Max asked.

Leigh nodded and smiled. "Well I'm still knocked up," she said as she sat on the sofa. She sighed.

Max walked over and sat down next to her. "We're having a baby. But it will be okay. I know I may have hurt Philip. But it was an accident. I want to be there for the both of you," Max said as he placed a hand on her stomach.

Leigh looked at him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

But could Leigh keep the fact that she and Max were still a thing from everyone? Especially her mother?

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