The Warning & Therapy

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Principal Weems was driving Wednesday to her psychiatry appointment - with Izuku in tow.

The boy was in the back seat trying to make small talk with Wednesday, but the former ignored him for an earlier incident he unintentionally caused.

Izuku: I'm sorry about earlier, Wednesday. I didn't mean all of that to happen.

You see when Wednesday and Thing were packing their belongings earlier. Izuku and Enid ran inside a few minutes later, shutting the door behind them. The two had to bar down the door as the sounds of girls squealing echoed in the hall. Soon, there was the sound of thunderous footsteps, then the sound of something hard hitting the door.

Then there were scratching noises, then the sound of metal and wood hitting the door repeatedly.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow as she stared at her two roommates while Enid and Izuku gave the goth a sheepish look.

Izuku: I might've done something earlier that I shouldn't have.

Wednesday remembered the note Izuku wrote earlier and was able to put two and two together. She couldn't help but facepalm.

Wednesday: And you made the conscious decision to bring them here?

Wednesday looked at him like he was the stupidest boy in the world.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head.

Izuku: Sorry.

The pounding on the door grew louder as the door began to creak. The hinges looked like they were going to fall apart sooner or later.

??? - We know you're in there!!

???: Enid, don't hog him all to yourself!!

???: Don't let Ms. Icy, as hell, touch a single hair on his head!!

Izuku and Enid closed their eyes as they pushed themselves against the door.

???: How are we going to break in?

???: Don't worry, I have a plan.

The three roommates heard a loud battle cry as they heard thunderous footsteps approaching the door.

They then heard something heavy hitting the door as some parts of the door splintered.

They had to back away when they saw that the thing that hit the door was an axe breaking through.

Enid and Izuku looked shocked and horrified as the door slowly came apart.

The gorgon girl who sat beside Izuku in the gymnasium peered in through the newly made hole.

???: Here's Sasha!!

Izuku and Enid let out a horrified scream as multiple arms began to squeeze through the opening.

Izuku and Enid looked on in horror as another girl outside punched a hole through the door and tried to grab Izuku.

Wednesday tried to remain calm, but the continuous noise outside was making her a little "annoyed."

Wednesday grabbed a nearby book, which happened to be Enid's diary and slammed it against the hands that were trying to break in.

Wednesday continued before a hand reached out and grabbed the book out of her hand before slapping her across the face.

Izuku took this opportunity to grab the book back from the hand.

Wednesday froze in shock before staring at the hand with an "Oh hell no" expression.

Adventures at Nevermore (Izuku Midoriya x Wednesday Addams)Where stories live. Discover now