ROTI + PI ppl

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Mike: Hey guys!

Gwen: I forgot u were even here

Mike: Can I add my friends?

Courtney: Yk what why not

Heather: Eh could be fun

Mike: Thanks!

Mike adds the ROTI cast

Zoey: Hiya!

Cameron: Hey guys

Heather: Hii

Lightning: Sha-hey dudes!

Jo: Fucking hell what the fuck

Brick: Language love <3

Gwen: Aww r y'all dating😭❤️

Brick: Yea❤️

Jo: yh


Jo: ❤️

Brick: :)

Lightning: Ok dudes sha-hypothetically I'm dating a guy would I be able to add him?

Anne-Maria: Woah I didn't expect that from u😭

Cameron: I alr know who

Zoey: Wait how

Cameron: Me and lightning are cousins

Mike: Woah rlly

Lightning: So can I add him or?

Anne-Maria: Sure!

Chris: Yes! We need more drama!

Lightning: sha-funny YOU say that

Chris: Wdym?

Lightning added Topher to the gc

Lightning: Hi babe❤️

Topher: Hii  :3


Chris has left the gc

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Chris has left the gc

Topher: Why was he even here..

Courtney: Good point, how tf did he get in here

Heather: Wait @Topher I thought u were obsessed with Chris or smthn in ur season?


Topher is offline

Heather: Oh shit did I say smthn?

TW AHEAD: MENTIONS OF !SA! And !Sewerslide attempt!

Lightning: He doesn't like to talk abt it but he pm'ed me and let me know I could tell u

Lightning: Basically behind the scenes of his season Topher begged Chris constantly to co-host and Chris decided to let his without the producers knowing. It was going ok but then Chris started being really weird and making Topher uncomfortable. Then he started touching him and doing horrible things to him to the point of Topher being in tears. He decided to quit the show but they had to make it seem like Chris pranked him. After the show Topher was really fucked up and only had 2 friends for support. He tried to commit at one point but his friends, Scarlett and Dave, saved him. I met him shortly after and helped him recover. He is ok now but still has a lot of trauma.

Heather: Omg I'm sobbing I feel so fucking bad

Sierra: Babe it's ok you didn't know

Topher: Did u tell them?..

Heather: I'm honestly so sorry Topher you did not deserve that..

Topher: It's alr dw u didnt know

Noah: I feel really bad for you and im so sorry this is off topic but did you say Dave?

Topher: Yea he's my best friend

Noah: Ahh.. is he Indian by any chance?

Topher: How did you know that..

Noah: Add him please

Topher: Ok im adding my entire cast

Topher added TDPI cast

Topher: Hi guys

Scarlett: Hello Topher

Dave: Hiii

Noah: 🙂

Dave: NOAH??

Noah: Heyy


Topher: Wait what is happening here?

Noah: Me and Dave are cousins lol

Dave: We haven't seen each other for years😭

Shawn: Hi guys!

Dave: ❤️

Shawn: ❤️

Noah: 🧟‍♂️

Shawn: AHHH

Shawn is offline

Dave: You scared him☹️

Noah: Womp womp

Cody: Who are all these people

Gwen: Mfs from other seasons

Cody: Oh I didn't watch the other seasons

Lightning: Cody sha-dude?


Lightning: WASSUP DUDE

Noah: how do you know each other.

Cody: He was my bsf in kindergarten but he moved away in elementary

Noah: Ahh

Gwen: U jealous Noah?

Noah: No

Gwen: Sureeeee

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