13 - The start ( Part2 )

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( Before reading this chapter please keep in mind that there will be pretty detailed violent scenes and parental abuse ).

POV Chaeyoung

I sit next to Mina and wait for her to continue speaking.

Will it be the first time she opens up to me?

She clears her throat and a bead of sweat slowly descends from her forehead.

Mina takes a big breath and says:

" Do you know my parents? "

I say no.

" They were very famous in the criminal field. They were both Yakuza. "

I let her continue as I could see that she had difficulty in trying to say all of this.

" When I was living in Japan, everybody feared me because someone started up the rumor that I was myself a Yakuza. My parent's reputation followed me everywhere. So I didn't go to school. "

Mina's eyes started to glim.

" I was growing up, learning and doing nothing except talking to imaginary friends all day long. Days looked all alike but one. In Summer, I was playing outside my house and I heard my dad, shooting. "

Mina quiver.

I carefully take her cold, fragile hand in mine to give her strength.

" When I rushed inside the living room, I saw my mom lying on the ground. My dad was grabbing her hair while pointing a gun toward her. I could swear he hadn't seen me because of how vicious and concentrated his gaze was on my mother. So I hid behind the couch. A blue couch...However, I sensed a large hand grabbing my collar. It was him. My dad. "

She grabs my hand firmly.

" He pushed me on the floor next to my mother and said: " Do you know what this bitch just did?? She hired a hitman to kill me and take all my money. After all these years...She prefers my money over my dick." I heard my mom trying to respond but she was too shocked. Only a muffled sound came out of her mouth:" Mmh ". I was hoping she wanted to say my name for once. "

Mina didn't notice tears coming down from her eyes.

" My father hit her. In front of me. I preferred to close my eyes. I then sensed a cold metal on my forehead. My dad finally said, the gun pointed at me: " Mina you die or she dies. ". At that moment, I wanted to survive. I loved my mom, but I didn't know her. Nor did she know me. "

So her dad killed her mom?

" My dad screamed. Telling me to open my eyes. He was handing me the gun. I looked at it. But my vision started to get blurry. I took the gun in my hands and looked at my mom. She was looking at me with her eyes, watery. Her face was puffy and she had different bruises on her cheeks. A piece of her hair was missing. I thought she would look at me with pleading eyes, but it looked more like she was begging me to end her. My dad placed his hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to continue. Suddenly, my mom faced me, she was looking directly into my eyes. She smiled and said: Mina- . That's when my dad placed his hand on the gun I was holding. We killed her both, but, I, was forced to do it. My mom said my name. She was about to say something to me. And we killed her. "

She is breathing heavily.

" It was too late for me. "

She stopped for a moment, thinking, and laughed.

" I then killed my dad. "

She was looking at me, her eyes were puffed. A smile was plastered on her face.

" Earlier, to protect you, I killed someone. It was a woman. But I promised myself not to kill a woman again. I broke my motto. And my mom will haunt me down for it. She will strangle me in my sleep 'til I die. Alone. Like her. "


Small chapter...

Couldn't write these days because of school. I am very occupied but I couldn't keep yall waiting for too long.

See ya!         

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