Home Sweet Home

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"You really didn't have to walk me home," Penelope said, breaking the strained silence. "It's only a few blocks."
Colin looked at her as if she had grown a second head. "What kind of man would I be if I let you wander the streets of New York alone at night? Besides, I wanted to spend some time with you."
"Oh," she said, at a loss for words. "Well, now that it's just us, how was your trip? Was Sri Lanka everything you hoped it would be?"
"I...suppose. To be honest, it was a lot like the last three places I visited. It all sort of blurs together after a while. Especially when you're missing home."
Penelope turned to him upon hearing the hint of longing in his voice. "I'm sorry. Can I ask, why do you keep traveling if you don't like it anymore?"
"It's not that I don't like the traveling part of it. Seeing all of these new places and experiencing all these cultures, it's wonderful. It's my passion," he explained.
"But it must also get pretty lonely," she finished for him.
"Even when I have my best friend keeping me company," he agreed with a fond smile.
Penelope tried to hide her look of surprise. "I didn't realize you had a travel companion with you."
"I'm talking about you, Pen. All of our texts and phone calls and video chats. I swear, you're the only thing keeping me sane lately." He looked like he wanted to say something else, but stopped short.
"Have you thought about taking a break? You did say you wanted to publish your book. Maybe you could stay in London for a while until that's finished."
"You say that like it's a sure fire thing."
"That's because it is," she said, the combination of the cool night breeze and conversation sobering her. "You're writing is amazing, Col! You're going to get published. It's just a matter of when," she continued, sounding so certain.
"Thank you," he said a bit awkwardly. "And I have considered staying in one place for a while."
Penelope hummed, feeling a pleasant buzz, either from the last effects of the alcohol or Colin's presence, she didn't know. "Your family will certainly be glad to have you back with them. Your mum especially."
"Yeah," Colin said, allowing them to fall into a steady silence until they reached her front door.
"This is me," she announced, retrieving the key. "Told you it wasn't very far."
"Right. Well, um...goodnight, Pen. Happy birthday," he said, turning to walk away as she opened the door.
"Col?" She asked, grabbing his arm suddenly.
"Do you want to come up?" Penelope opened the door wider. "I'm not quite ready for bed and I want to spend some more time with you."
"I-I'd love to." Colin immediately followed her inside, taking in the apartment that was very much her. Modern sage green and silver decorations covered the area, bookshelves lining the walls. He suddenly felt as if he was getting to know Penelope in a far more intimate way.
His eyes drifted to her from across the room just as she was kicking off her heels. "I was thinking about popping in a movie. Rom com alright?" She asked, walking into what he assumed was her bedroom.
"Whatever you want, Pen," he hollered. "It's your birthday."
As Penelope took her time getting settled, Colin perused her livingroom, finding photographs of herself and the Bridgertons littered about. There were more of them, in fact, than of her own family, reminding him that was how it ought to be. Ever since the day he met her, he knew where she truly belonged. There was one particular picture sitting above her fireplace that caught his eye. It was just the two of them on the day of her sister's wedding about a year ago. Penelope was dressed in a hideously yellow gown that her mother forced her into, but she was more beautiful than he had ever seen her. They had just finished a turn about the floor when the photo was taken. Both of them were smiling and laughing, and Penelope's cheeks glowed a delicious shade of pink. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to dip her in his arms and kiss her senseless. That night had truly changed everything.
Penelope emerged from her bedroom, face washed and dressed in the most adorable pair of Tweety Bird printed pajamas and matching slippers. He noticed she still wore the diamond necklace. "I can't decide between Nothing Hill, Bridget Jones's Diary, and Love Actually."
"Sounds like someone else is missing London too," he teased, trying not to be so obvious about his checking her out. How did she look even more beautiful like this?
"Shut up," she fired back. "Let's watch Notting Hill," she decided, turning on the TV and settling into her spot on the couch. Colin sank into the spot on the opposite end. "What are you doing all the way over there? We always cuddle during movies."
"Uh...okay," he agreed, shifting so that she was settled against him. He relished in the warmth of her embrace and the soft vanilla scent of her shampoo. Do not sniff her hair, he demanded himself. Soon, the movie began, and Penelope burrowed deeper into his arms. Colin pulled the blanket tighter over them when he saw her shiver. A second later, he heard Penelope sigh contentedly and close her eyes. "Sleepy already?" He asked, amused and in awe.
"Nope," she hummed. "I just missed you."
Colin couldn't help but grin. "I missed you too, Pen. So much," he added, allowing his chin to rest on the top of her head.
They laid like this for a while, breathing each other in as the movie continued in the background. They reached a moment where the two characters shared a sweet yet heated kiss. Colin imagined that it was he and Penelope on the screen acting out such passions, but was reminded of reality when Penelope sat up in his arms.
"Colin," she began, swallowing thickly. "Would you-would you kiss me?"
"What?" He asked, because surely he heard wrong. Surely she did not ask him that.
"Would you kiss me?" She repeated, and he wondered if he fell asleep and was still dreaming. "I promise I'm not drunk anymore," she blurted. "The drinks wore off a while ago."
"Penelope," he said, carefully. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," she nodded. "Please, Col. It doesn't have to mean anything, I swear. It won't change things between us."
Colin reached a hand up to cup her cheek. Her skin was so soft, and she was so receptive to his touch. "But it will, Pen. You know it will."
She nodded again, more resigned. "Just forget I said anything." Colin watched as Penelope curled into herself and put space between them on the couch. She looked so small and far away.
"Pen?" He asks, scooting closer.
"Let's just watch the movie, Colin," she said, brushing him off.
Colin decided that he couldn't let this topic pass them by so easily. He couldn't just brush over his feelings for her anymore. In the swiftest of movements, he pulled Penelope against him and pressed his lips to hers. "Pen," he moaned, dizzy with emotions. "Pen," he repeated, begging her for entry, which she easily allowed. Their tongues danced together, their lips barely leaving one another to allow them a breath. "Oh God, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
"Me too, Col," Penelope whimpered, melting at his touch.
He pulled back just to look at her. Her cheeks her flushed and her lips swollen from his kisses. It reminded him of how she looked that night all those months ago, and the same feelings came flooding back. "God, you're so beautiful, Pen."
Penelope blushed brighter. "You don't have to say that just cause we're...you know."
Colin shook his head, brushing his hands across her cheeks and neck. "I mean it. You. Are. Beautiful. Penelope," he repeated, knowing she knew that he only said her name like that when he was truly serious. Then he resumed kissing her with the passions of a man starved. Likely because he was. Colin had always been known for his insatiable appetite, whether it came to food or knowledge or travel. But most of all, what he had told no one, was that when it came to his hunger, there was no one and nothing that made him more ravenous than Penelope Featherington. And he wanted to make sure she knew it too.
He kissed along her jaw, then her throat, suckling the skin like a rare flavor of popsicle. Penelope writhed against him, especially so when his hand drifted under her flimsy pajama top. His hot, calloused fingers brushed against her bare nipple, and she couldn't help but let out a moan. "Col-Colin!" She cried. "Don't stop," she begged, and he listened, pinched the little nub between his thumb and forefinger. "Col," Penelope hissed. "I want you."
"I want you too, Pen," Colin said, nibbling her ear.
"I...I want you to be my first," she clarified, fighting the urge to cry out again.
"Pen," he said reluctantly, pulling away to look at her.
Her eyes switched from glazed over to panicked. "Like I said, it doesn't have to mean anything. But I want it to be you, Col. I trust you."
"Pen, this will mean everything. If we do this, I can't go back to being your friend. I'm not even sure I can now."
Penelope nodded in understanding, just as she had done earlier. He could see the insecurities and self doubt creeping in. "I get it. I'm sorry, Colin. I shouldn't have asked that of you. I know you only see me as a sister.
"That is not true," he scoffed. "Nothing could be further from the truth."
"Just a friend then. A mere acquaintance," she amended. "I get it." Penelope crossed her arms over her chest, closing herself off to him."
"No, Pen, you don't," he said, pulling her face towards his. All he wanted to do was kiss away her worries.
"Then enlighten me," she said, placing her hands over his. "Because all of your behavior lately has been completely confusing for me. You call me practically every day you can, and we talk for hours about anything and everything. You send me good morning texts and you check on me throughout the day to make sure I'm taking care of myself. You tell your siblings to check in on me when you can't. You show up out of the blue just to wish me a happy birthday and bring me presents. Presents that are not something you give to mere acquaintances, might I add. You dedicated your journals to me, Colin, and then you gave me a diamond necklace! And then you walk me home and we cuddle and then you kiss me like...like you...ugh!" She screamed frustratedly. "Why, Colin? Why do you send me all of these mixed messages?"
"Because I love you, Pen." Penelope gasped, clearly not expecting him to say that. She never dared dream that he could love her in return, and she definitely didn't imagine him confessing his feelings before she did. "Because I am in love with you, Penelope. I have been for a while. I've been trying to figure out for the past year how to tell you, but I was afraid, and nothing I ever came up with seemed good enough. But then you asked me to kiss you, and I...I love you, Penelope. I came here to New York because I had to tell you." Penelope stared at him in shock. "Pen, please say something."
"You're serious?" She asked. "You're not fucking with me?"
Colin chuckled, more sure than ever that he was absolutely mad for this woman. "No, never. I really love you. I really really really love you, Penelope Featherington." They both laughed this time. "That feels so good to finally say."
"I...I really love you too, Colin," she said giddily. "Probably since that trip you and Eloise took to see me during my freshmen year here. Maybe even before then."
"Three years?!" Colin exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Penelope shrugged, a weight falling off her shoulders. "I was scared. I knew you didn't have feelings for me, and before then, you were always just Eloise's hot older brother."
"You thought I was hot?" He asked cockily.
Penelope rolled her eyes. "Of course I did. I had the stupidest crush on you back then. Then we became friends, and I didn't want to ruin what we had."
"I suppose it all worked out, didn't it?" He asked, leaning in to kiss her again. "Pen, darling, will you be my girlfriend?"
She smiled at the new nickname. "If that means you ravage me on this couch, then yes," she answered cheekily.
Colin growled as if he was in pain. "I want to so bad."
"Then do it. Please," she said, not to proud to beg. She had been dreaming of this moment for years, and now that it was almost a reality, she wanted nothing standing in the way. "I need you."
"I want it to be perfect for you. For us." He kissed her sweetly. "What are you doing tomorrow?"
"I work until six," Penelope answered curiously.
"Can you call in?"
"I can see if Yasmin will cover for me."
Colin hummed happily. "Good. I have plans for you."
"And will you tell me what they are?"
"Nope," he said, pecking her on the lips.
Penelope deepened the kiss, pulling him against her. "Are you sure I can't tempt you tonight?" She asked, dragging a hand down his chest.
"Pen," he begged, hoping he would retain the strength to tell her no. He wanted so badly for this first time to be perfect. They had waited far too long for it not to be. "Do you find yourself that desperate for me?" He asked, reaching under her shirt again and palming her breast
"I am," she nodded excitedly, arching into his hand. "Please, Colin. I want you. I want you inside me."
"Penelope," he warned, holding her to the couch when she tried to grind her hips into his. "How about I get you off instead?" Colin offered, his hand sliding to the waistband of her shorts. "How about I make you cum as many times as I can with just my mouth and hands?" He whispered huskily into her ear.
"Yes," she cried. "Please, Colin!"

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