Good Girl

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"You're so impatient tonight, Pen. I don't think I've ever seen you like this," Colin said with a chuckle when Penelope scrambled into his lap and began kissing all over his neck and chest. She first looked surprised to find quite a bit of hair there, but then it was clear that she really liked it.

"I've been waiting years to touch you like this, Col," she said between kisses. She couldn't get enough of every new little thing she discovered about him, it seemed. But it was his turn to discover her, and get to know every inch of her glorious body. He just knew that it would somehow be just as beautiful as the rest of her.

"I need you to slow down, Pen. This is about you, remember?" Penelope whimpered, soldiering on in her mission to leave no patch of his skin untouched, unlicked, or unkissed. But that was his goal, and he'd be damned if she got there first. "Penelope," he said darkly, in a tone she had never heard before. She snapped to attention, her wide blue eyes meeting his. "I need you to be a good girl for me." Penelope blushed a deep red, and Colin grinned. "You want to be my good girl, don't you?" She nodded readily. "Good. Then I want you to march into your bedroom and strip down to nothing but that diamond necklace. Can you do that for me?" Penelope nodded again, and Colin rewarded her with a soft, passionate kiss, grinding his hips into hers before swatting her on the bottom. She jumped off his lap and practically sprinted to the bedroom, Colin trailing not far behind. She immediately began tearing off her clothes, but Colin stopped her. "Slowly."

Penelope squirmed under his gaze, barely looking up at him. "Colin, I um, could you..." She had a multitude of ways she could ask him. Could you turn around? Could you close your eyes? Could you turn off the lights? Could you pretend I'm someone more beautiful and sleep with me anyway? Anything to prolong the inevitable, that she wouldn't be enough for him.

Sensing something what was wrong, Colin strode over to her and took her face in his hands. "Pen, love, I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do. If you're uncomfortable, tell me, and we'll stop." Penelope smiled gratefully, sure that this was what she wanted. Who she wanted. That certainly wasn't the issue. "But just know, it is a damn crime to hide this beautiful body of yours from me," he teased, running his fingers along her arm, hoping to get a smile out of her. Luckily, it worked, and she smiled even brighter, her cheeks turning that delicious shade of pink. Colin couldn't help it and gave into his urge to kiss her again. This kiss was enough to make Penelope's knees buckle, and he pulled away grinning. "Do you want to continue?" He asked. Penelope nodded. "I need to hear you."

"Yes. Yes, Col. I...I want to be your good girl," she said shyly, a hint of the little minx he knew she was hiding coming out. It was exactly what he wanted to hear. Colin stepped back and watched with immense pleasure as she undressed herself for him. Slowly, agonizingly slow, and he briefly cursed himself for requesting this torture. Finally, she was bare to him, save for the diamond necklace he gifted her that sparkled just like her eyes. Penelope's perfectly pink nipples stood to attention and her sex glistened with arousal, showing just how ready she was for him. "Colin," she whimpered after several moments of his staring. "Please, Col. Touch me."

Problem was, he didn't know what to touch first. Every inch of her was begging for his hands, his lips, his tongue, and dear God, his cock. He wanted to make sure she felt all of the pleasure the world had to offer, and selfishly, he wanted it to all be because of him. Colin laid Penelope down on the bed gently as he kissed her, pulling away just when she became thoroughly breathless. His hands glided across the soft skin of her waist, stilling on the curve of her stomach in a way that made Penelope's breath hitch. Then his hands moved down her hips, back up to her waist, and inched towards her heavy breasts.

All the while, he continued sucking and kissing and licking, until Penelope could practically feel the hickies starting to form on her skin. She couldn't find it in herself to care. It was thrilling, in fact. She wanted everyone to know that she was his. He licked a stripe from her collarbone to the valley of her breasts, causing her to shiver with anticipation. He didn't give her more than a second before he latched onto one nipple, swirling his tongue over the pert little nub. Penelope moaned above him, arching into his touch as he pressed his hand into her other breast. He nibbled slightly, making her hips buck off the bed, seeking something to fill that aching emptiness between them. Colin grinned before switching to the other breast and repeating the motions.

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