The Perfect Day

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Penelope couldn't imagine a better birthday than her 21st, but an even better day came when she woke up in the arms of her best friend and love of her life, Colin Bridgerton. 

"Mmm, morning," she hummed, wrapping her arms tighter around his torso and nuzzling into him. 

"Good morning, beautiful," he replied in the same sleepy, love-drunk voice. 

Penelope didn't think she'd ever tire of moments like this. "I don't ever wanna leave this bed," she pouted, pulling the covers up higher over their bodies.

Colin only laughed and leaned down to kiss her sweetly on the lips. "Then we won't." He pulled away and stared at her for a moment saying nothing.

"What?" She asked self-consciously. "Is there something on my face? Do I have morning breath?"

"Don't move," Colin ordered.

Penelope eyes went wide with fear. "Is it a spider? Where is it? Make it go away, Col! But don't kill it!"

Colin grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her again to stop her panicking. "Just relax, baby. Trust me."

Penelope relaxed quite easily as he began kissing his way down her body, crawling further under the covers as he went. "Col, what are you-oh! Oh...Colin, that feels-" she cut herself off with a sharp gasp as he sucked her clit into his mouth. He let go and swirled his tongue through her folds, quickly working her into a frenzy. Sooner than she thought possible, she was already cumming. "Col, I'm gonna, I'm-" She felt him hum against her and it was enough to send her falling, falling, for what seemed liked forever. Colin emerged a moment later, grinning proudly as he wiped his chin with the back of his hand. "Wow," she said stupidly with a contented sigh. "Did I tell you I love you? Because I really love you."

His grin somehow grew wider and he leaned down to kiss her. "I love you too. Are you ready for your first surprise?"

"I think I already know what it is," she said with a sly smile, glancing down at his tented boxers.

"What?" He asked, looking down. Colin looked back up with a distinct blush on his cheeks, adjusting himself so his affliction was less obvious. "Oh, not that," he mumbled.

"Hmm, you're right. I am not at all surprised by how much I want that," Penelope said rather boldly, tracing the curve of him with the tip of her finger.

Colin choked on his spit, then quickly recovered. "Pen, baby, you have to stop saying things like that," he begged.

"Why?" She asked innocently, flipping them over so Colin was on his back. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"N-not exactly," he stammered. "But Pen, I have it planned out perfectly for us. I want it to be so special for you." Penelope nodded, barely registering his words before she attacked his throat with kisses. "Pen, oh God, you have to, we-" Colin groaned, struggling to remember what his argument even was.

"That's very sweet of you, Col," she said, sucking the softest part of his neck. "And I'm sure I will love it all," she continued, kissing his collarbone. "But right now, I want your cock in my mouth."

Colin made a muffled sound of pain from behind his fist. "Fuck, Pen!"

"Just relax. Trust me," she said, throwing his words back at him as she licked a trail down his chest, her mouth inching closer and closer to the place he wished for most. She peeled back his boxers, revealing the most glorious cock Penelope had ever seen---and that was a feat, considering the only ones she had seen were in pornos. "Is every part of you this beautiful?" She whispered, tugging her lip between her teeth. Colin tried not to look at her, afraid that this would be over the second he caught sight of her mischief-filled blue eyes. He threw his arm over the top half of his face, concentrating on his numbers so that Penelope could satisfy her own curiosity. She trailed her thumb along the length of him, grinning at how he shuddered from her touch. Then she wrapped her hands around him delicately, testing the weight of him. He was so warm and smooth like silk, and oddly felt a little like the hairless cat her mother had for two weeks before realizing she hated cats. Penelope giggled to herself at the analogy.

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