Chapter 3. The crack

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"It all started 6 years ago when the infection started my family was one of the very lucky ones who made it into the first outposts we lived peacefully like the infection never happened but one day my dad found a crack in the walls. He alerted the right people but they did nothing about it saying it would cause to much panic. A month later everything went to shit I woke up everything was on fire I could feel the heat on my body. I could hear the screaming of the people getting eaten I could here the growling of the infected. Than I heard the door of the apartment open I grabbed my father's gun and... And I saw the undead forms of my parents and my little sister. I lost my whole family that day. FROM THAN ON... From than on I promised myself to never never lose anyone else I loved ever again. " T says his voice sounding cold and yet sad. "T I never knew but what about the army why do you hate them?" Melissa asks

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