Chapter 9.Take her away

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Once T and Maddie enter the base they are frozen with shock and horror at the familiar face. "Ah it's the escape artists oh and what's this pretty little face. " Tyler said "don't you dare touch her. " T growls "come on man you still holding that grudge about your little band of misfits. " Tyler says "YOU BETRAYED US YOU TOOK US AWAY LOOKING FOR SOME IMMUNITY THAT DOESN'T EXIST. " T screams. "Oh it exists and it is amazing. " Tyler says. T rushes towards Tyler and pulls out a knife and puts it to his throat. "You killed my friends and probably count less others give me one good reason for why I shouldn't kill you where you stand. " T says "I have hundreds of guards on sight ready to kill and they all have their sights on you now if you don't want to become Swiss cheese I suggest you back off. " Tyler says calmly. T puts away his knife "good now escort the escape artists out and execute them and take me and the girl to outpost one " NO NO MELISSA NO!!!" T yells as he tries to reach for Melissa "T NO PLEASE HELP ME I CAN'T GO BACK PLEASE!!!" Melissa screams as she gets dragged away "I'LL  FIND YOU I WON'T LET YOU GO BACK. " he promises "ah T has no one taught you to not make promises you can't keep. " Tyler says "YOU WON'T SURVIVE THIS ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I'LL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!! " T says as both him and Maddie get tossed out of the base.

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