Chapter 4. The corruption

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"3 years after my families death I joined the army I had a crew they grew to be my best friends. Mia she was the fastest one in the group also knew her way around the battlefield they used to say she was faster than any bullet. Maddie she was the most chaotic of us all I remember her using a riot shield and a land mine and used it as a fucken surf board. Ezra was the most stealthy we used to call him the chameleon. And last but not least Ava was the most destructive of us all we used to call her the dynamite. One of our superiors his name was Tyler here's some life advice never trust a Tyler but anyways one day he sent us on probably the most deadly mission yet we were sent to the original origin spot of the outbreak. " T says "you went to ground zero of the outbreak! " Melissa says. "Yes now let me continue. So my crew arrived at ground zero but the strange thing was there was no infected. As we entered the only people there was Tyler and his goons. We got ambushed. They said one of us were immune he took us all but on the way I managed to escape and now I don't know if they are dead or alive. " he says "T I didn't know but not all of them are bad some seriously want to help people" she says "I know but if that could happen to me and no one would know what's to say there's countless others suffering." He says "so that's why you live the way you do." he says

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