She's back

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Emily's pov
Emily was going to the hall of the airport and she saw that Hotch was already waiting for her. Suddenly she felt incredibly happy,it was a very long time ago since she saw hotch for the last time.... She arrived next to him and they were a bit uncomfortable cause they didn't really know if they had to hug each other or to kiss,finally she just smiled and shook his hand.
Emily to the security officer <<You can leave me with Hotch>> <<I'm in good hands>> she added.
Hotch to the security officer << You can go Carter, I'll take care of her now>> Hotch was slightly blushing when he said that, so was Emily.

A bit later at the BAU << Emily !!! I'm so happy to see you again>> JJ said while hugging her friend.
Garcia << oh my god! Emily!! Are you there for real?!?!>>
Emily laughed and ran to hug the colourful and bubbly woman.
At that moment Spencer came in. He walked straight to Emily and he hugged her tight.
JJ << Spencer we told you to stay at home when we came to the hospital!!>>
Spencer << I'm fine JJ really , I wouldn't come if I wasn't fine. I won't leave the BAU I'll stay here and see if I can help.>>
The young woman looked uncertain for a while but then she nodded and smiled to him.
Emily<< so let's get started !>>
The whole team gathered in the conference room.
<<Emily ,you told me on the phone that a similar case happened in London. Can you tell us more about it ?>> JJ asked
Emily << actually there're 3 similar cases...>>

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