Car chat

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Emily was so scared that something would happen to one of her friends.. She didn't want anyone to be hurt because of her stupid stalker.
*knock on the door*
<<Come in>>
<<Emily everything alright ?>>
<< yes JJ thanks>> she tried to smile but failed to do so.
JJ sat on the bed next to her and put her arm on Emily's shoulders. She didn't say anything, she was there and that was the only thing Emily needed.

*On the phone*
<<Emily I'm picking you up at JJ's house, I've something to discuss with you>>
<<Alright>> she answered.
Emily knew there were more important things going on but the thought of being alone in the car with Hotch was quite satisfying.

<<Emily, I heard you were considering coming back to the FBI? Any chances it might be true?>>
<< I did consider that option but my spot is taken now>>
<<Don't say that Emily there'll always be a spot for you!>>
While he said that he looked at her and once more her beauty hit him. She was everything he expected from a woman physically as well as mentally. She was perfect.
<< I don't know Aaron.. Interpol is great. But I just miss you..>>
When she realised what she had just said she quickly added
<< ..I mean the team of course! I'll think about it. It'd be great.>>
Hotch was in heaven she had called him Aaron and he was now thinking that there might be a chance the woman he loved,loved him too.
<<yea, definitely think about it.We miss you too.. I miss you..>>
Emily smiled and so did Hotch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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