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<<Hotch, Carter's dead. He was shot twice right in his chest>> Derek said feeling sorry.
<<Ok. I'll be there at any moment>>
Hotch put his phone down and looked at Emily whose eyes were filled with tears.
<< Don't tell me... Aaron I can't stay... I'm putting you all in grave danger..>>
Being called Aaron by Emily awaked something in Hotch. All of the sudden he felt like she's was the only person that existed on earth. He took her shoulders and told her:
<<Emily Prentiss do you really think we'd let you go back to London with a violent stalker. I don't think so we're your friends and we're here to help you >>
Emily smiled through her tears and JJ who had just entered the room hugged her.
<<JJ stay here with Emily and look for information over her private life. Emily try really hard to think about anything that could lead us to his identity. I'm going to the crime scene with Reid. >>
Hotch left the room and all he could think of was Emily.

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