Girl talk

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*girls pov*
<<Tell me everything >> said JJ with a suspicious look and a big smile.
<<everything about what>> Emily answered.
<< 'Bout you and Hotch of course!>>
<<Hotch and I... There isn't anything between us. Why would you say that ?>>
<<Emily it's obvious ! The way you two are looking at each other and how you're both uncomfortable as soon as someone enters the room.>>
<<well I don't know. He quite handsome and he isn't my boss anymore is he?>>
Emily said slightly laughing.
<<At least I made you smile>> JJ answered putting her arm around Emily's waist
A bit later Penelope enters the room with a huge pile of files.
<< So I looked through everything I could found about you on Internet and I found some interesting things. There's a suspect profile that follows you on all your social media and often likes and comments. I couldn't track his IP address yet but I'll tell you as soon as I manage to. Is there any chance you know him?
<< I don't use social media a lot. I don't check who likes my stuff so no I'm really sorry..>>
<< it's okay I'm going to keep digging!>>
<<thank you Garcia>> both girls answered.
JJ's phone rang, it was Hotch. She hang up and said to Emily:
<<There's no trace of the stalker on the crime scene.. No dna or evidence that he broke in. It looks like he found his way in with Carter agreeing. He looks experimented a,d they think they'll try to get closer to you very soon..>>

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