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And he keeps falling falling falling falling...





Falling until he hits water and sinks far below the surface. The impact temporarily freezes his systems, preventing him from moving. Fortunately, he saved his charge from the same fate, as she was safely tucked away in his subspace just seconds before the crash.

Blasted Pits! This day just keeps getting better and better! And why am I so itchy? It's like I'm covered in...

Thunderhoof's optics dilated, coming to a realization. Systems rebooted and once again able to move, he reached out and grabbed the edge of a trench he was just about to fall into. Digging his hooves into the side, he hoisted himself up and over. He crawled a short distance before rising to his full height.

Despite the opacity of deep waters, Thunderhoof's vision is strong and focused enough to pick out bits and pieces of his surroundings: rocks, algae, and a myriad of aquatic animals.

Scrap. Not only am I back on Earth, but I'm stuck IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FRAGGING OCEAN!

Thunderhoof circulates his vents the best he can underwater and calms down.

Losing your temper ain't gonna do us any good. Just keep moving until you find your way out.

He picks a direction and heads that way.

– 2 hours later –

The day's events catch up to Thunderhoof, wearing him down. He hasn't had a moment to stop and rest, but that may be changing soon. He's noticed the sea floor steadily rising, and as it does, the surrounding waters brighten, both in light and in life. There are more plants and fish. Crabs crawl out of their hidey-holes and try to ward him off with their pincers. Shrimp attach to his plating and clean what little algae has collected on the metal.

Almost there. I can feel it.

Thunderhoof grunts in surprise when he loses his balance. His servos hit the ground first, preventing the rest of him from following.

What the frag?

The Cervicon looked down. His left hoof broke through a crack in the ocean floor.

You've got to be kidding me.

Thunderhoof tried to pull out, but much to his chagrin, was trapped.

I suppose that break I was hoping for came sooner rather than later.

He decided to rest for a few minutes before trying again.

Come on come on come on...


Something hard, blunt, and heavy landed on top of Thunderhoof, bringing him to one knee and further embedding his trapped leg in the hole. He attempted to shake whatever was on him off, but only further entangled his antlers in whatever else was attached to the object.


Thunderhoof immediately regretted his train of thought.

A boiling heat swirled around his entombed leg. He felt the plating crumple, and the proto-form burn and blister beneath. Thunderhoof grunted and writhed in excruciating pain. His helm was ringing, and his systems felt like they were on fire.

In his distressed state, he didn't notice the anchor detach from his antlers, or the boat he almost dragged below the surface.


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