Chapter 2- Dock to Port

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Helix In! Here's another chapter! I hope you'll enjoy more of Benny's Adventure here. 
Oh, and there may be a nice little surprise. 

Soon the ship had sailed for days as Ben used some scrap to fix his pistol and some of his gear.

Then they arrived at Vale, thus ending the job as he pulled out a couple coins from a small sack.

"Payment," Ben said as he tossed some coins to Captain Vega as he and his men began to offload on some extra cargo and supplies in the hopes of raking in a bit of profit, though some of the crew was disappointed in the fact that they couldn't get a good 

"Pleasure of doing business," Vega said as he tossed the bag.

"Yeah, now if you excuse me...I need to go talk to some people."

"Go on then." He says as both Chris and Benny left the ship as they took a look at the city.

The city of Vale was recently flourishing from the increase of trade and protection received by the merchants and navy as many people from many towns, kingdoms can be seen, all walks of life could be seen as trade hustled and bustled their way throughout the entire day as both men continued to walk as a guard noticed them.

"Oi oi! Best get you two to the nurses." He says as he and his buddy got both men to the hospital.

They may have been recovered and stabilized their injuries, fractures and certain injuries need more than meds and Band-Aids to fix up.

"Yeah, he's right," Chris said.

"Ugh fine," Ben groans as they walked to the hospital.

"You don't like doctors?" Chris asks

"Naw, more like there are people who are waiting and will be annoyed when I show up late." Benny answers

"Just tell them you got shot in the groin and needed medical." The guard deadpans.

Ben rolled his eyes as they got to the doctor and soon got a few pills. He only had a few couple bruises and scrapes.

Chris had a busted leg and some pulled muscles, as well as battle wounds. All of which can be healed via spells and splints for his banged-up leg. 

"Okay then you two can leave now," he said
"Best of luck you two." the doc says. 

"Thanks Doc," Ben said as they were about to leave, another doctor came in with a disagreeing look in their eyes. 

"Actually, this man can't leave till tomorrow, leg should rest" another doctor disagreed, pointing to Chris.

"Give him a healing potion or spell and he should be fine." The 1st doctor crossed his arms.

"We can't just rely on magic as a thing to solve our problems Rodrik!

"But I want to read my stories," Rodrik whines as he sulked.

"You are a horrible doctor. Now come on." The 2nd man chides as the two began to properly treat Chris' wound. 

"Its fine, go without me," Chris said

"we'll talk later." he adds, though the tone hid a poisonous hint.

"Go it," Ben said as he walked away. 

He walked as he went to the Treasure Hunter Guild, where he would turn in his mission report and overall debrief about the situation.

And as he walked in, he was meet with-

"Heya Benny," Caroline said.

"Hey Carol," he said with a smile,

"You good?" She asks as she crossed her arms to him once she got close to him. 

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