Chapter 5- Cpt. Blacksalt

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                    Helix In! And now, hope you enjoy this!

Benjamin couldn't tell what was going on anymore around him, all he could remember was...the coffin, the vampires, her... 

How he had been tricked at the last moment, be it a planned attack or a simple instinctive moment from either Blacksalt or her 1st mate, it didn't quite matter or made clear to his clouded mind. 

All he knew, was that he was trapped and sensed...being lifted, his cage naturally feeling like it was being lifted, with some muffled groans and noises. 

Benny groans though could only hear the gushing of waves hit shoreline as the waves crashed against what's likely either sand or stone, faint noises weren't much discernible. 

This continued as he heard the muffled shambling of the undead pirates and their moaning, their bodies no doubt hauling him onboard as he suddenly heard a tap on the lid that would show his head as an arcane circle appeared before him, right as he was considering when could he attack; he was suddenly knocked out by some gas that came out of the circle, cursing at the pirates who did this to him. 

Hours Later

He continued to groan and feel groggy than ever before as his mind went like a cloudy canvas, mixed with too much water.

He opened his eyes as he saw darkness and felt the material and knew-

"OH FUCK THIS SHIT," he yelled.

He used his strength to punch the top off and make it go flying. He leaned up as he saw he was in the lower decks of a ship. Its paint seemed to be coming off the mahogany wood, along with the 

He groans and as he took a single step off the coffin he was hit with a fistful of drowsy and a compelling feeling of...staying right here. "Ugh dammit." He groans and even had to hold back some puke as his head continued to be feel as if it were seared in a frying pan "Gods, this hurts." He says as the door opened and a disappointed noise was heard, very feminine at that.
"Aww, I liked that coffin, really cozy there you know?" He looked up and soon saw Vanessa wearing her attire and accompanied by two armored guards as she carried a fake pout on her lips.

 "You..bitch." he coughed out as she shushed him as he continued to be disoriented, enough for her two guards to restrain him with hand and ankle cuffs, imbued with strong magic that kept him with being too strong and temporarily locking out his magic, Ben tries to break them, but he sighed from how much he was drained.

"What...did you me," he asked.

"Oh nothing, figured you'd be a feisty one, and figured it'd be best you were cuffed, and I do not want to be followed by an unknown variable." She says as her guards hoisted Benny up "What. Did you do!" He asks, growling with restrained anger, as the lady vampire turned to him. 

"Simple magics." She answers as she leads him through parts of the ship, occupied by zombies, vampires and even some ghouls Eventually all leading up to her room which was quite luxurious, decorated with medals, portraits of someone with her. On another part of the room, she had a bowl filled with citrus fruits, a cutlass on display, and some artifacts, including the box he sought after. Soon he was tied to her bed as clamps were fastened and he found him strapped to the bed as she sat in a chair. 

Ben groaned as he tugged a bit and stopped as he knew it was pointless. He looked at Vanessa as he had to admit, she was beautiful "Now what," he asked, or barked in this instance.

She giggles as she sits there. "Now, you'd tell me all you know of that and what you know so far~" she states, crossing her legs, Ben sighed as he laid in the bed and tries to not stare at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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