First Interlude: Mistakes.

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The gravestone Izumi leans against chills her more than the mid-january air. Creates more goosebumps on her skin than the snow is the tight, supposedly waterproof fabric of the joke that is her hero costume. The name engraved onto the frigid stone rests between her shoulders. Branding itself onto Izumi's back, searing itself deep within her vertebrae.

"I'm officially a hero now." Izumi breaks slowly, fingers curling into her cloth mask. "A motherfucking hero." She swallows. Breathing as if she can revive the boy whose body rests only six feet below hers. "I hate it."

"And I know you'd hate it more. You'd ask me where our heroes were first. You'd tell me again about the unauthentic nature of humanity. Mock the name they've chosen for me. Call me a monster. A traitor. Sob into my lips as you kiss me goodbye. Beg me to not use whatever curse the Lab had given me. Or, I guess you would say God. You're religious aren't you?" Izumi's left hand pushes itself down into the snow. Ignoring the constant shaking of radiation poisoning and the biting cold of frozen water, she attempts to touch the grass that separates her and Able.

"I made sure the priest buried you. When they broke up the lab, I stayed with your body. Up until the heros pulled me away, kicking and screaming." If it's possible, Izumi presses herself into the gravestone further. As if solid stone could shield her from the mistakes born from sorrow. "I probably shouldn't be here. Not with the new—regulations.."

"Anyways. I came to tell you first. I got into U.A, of course I had a bunch of recommendations. But yeah. I placed first." Izumi's eyes go from the cloudy sky to the blood of her costume. Red in a sea of all white. "This is so fucking dumb. You're dead- Abel's dead." She stands abruptly. As if the shock of the cold had finally gotten through the thick of her flesh and sucked into her bones.

"I won't be back." Izumi vows, shoving the 'Spider-man' mask over her tangled black hair, down over her broken nose and her bleeding mouth. "I fucking hate you." Izumi admits, kicking the stone that has carved itself into Izumi's core. Secretly, Izumi hopes it's true. Izumi won't be back. Not alive at least. Not after her plan.

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