Chapter 2

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When I got to Nosi's house I didn't expect how I was treated.

" Sawbona ma, is everything okay."
" Haibo nayingane, wena nomdeni wakho niyibulele ingane Yami."
She said something about how my family killed her child.
Nosipho's mom surprised me with her words, I wondered if Xolani, my brother did something to Lwazi.
" Ma, is Lwazi okay?"

" Of course the poor girl is not okay, your evil mother decided to kill her child. "

She then kicked me out of her house, telling me to tell my entire family never to set foot there again. In all honesty confused is what I am right now. What the he does she mean that my mom killed Siviwe, we love that kid and would never hurt him.

I try calling everyone at home but no one answers. I finally call my brother in Joburg.
" Thato, where are you?"
" X, what do you mean, wena where are you?"
" Hurry home, we have been waiting a long time."
" X, iphi  ingane, where is Siviwe?"
He hung up on me and at that time I decided to rush home.
My home is still ten minutes away and I see my aunt's boyfriend's car and immediately know that there is trouble.  I don't really like that guy, he always oggles at me and gets in my breathing space, remembering that makes me dread going home. That is, until I see my house full of cars. I walk slowly to the house and find my so called father's sister.
" Aunty, what are you doing here? You never wish me happy birthday but you are suddenly here?"
Sipho oggles me and keeps bawling her eyes out. I go to my room and find Sipho's daughter,  Thandeka, going through my things. She stands up when I come in, I completely tune her out and pack my things back to the way they were. She speaks and I don't listen.  I take off my uniform and am left with my vest and tights.
" Haibo, Thato?"
" Thandeka what is it?"
" I said I'm sorry about..."
I cut her off before she could finish and went to the kitchen, I found my brother on a call.
" Is Sipho broke or something?"
He hurriedly hugged me.
" You've only been gone for a day you know. " -me
He looked at me sadly.
" Thato, its ma."-X
" What did she do, also, your girlfriend's family is acting weird."
" Thato mama is dead "

I laughed, psychotic I know. There is no any my mom is dead on my birthday.

" Ithi uyadlala ke Xolani, tell me you are playing. "

He shook his head and started to cry. I couldn't cry.
" Where is boy then?"

" Boy was with mom when they had the accident."

" Why wasn't I told "

" You were at school and its your birthday."

"Do you think me finding out at home on my birthday isn't better? Dude, at seventeen you tell me I've lost loved once, to make it worse, on my frigging birthday
Xolani you probably are out if braincells. As we speak Nosipho's mom banned us from her house and you decide that because it my birthday i shouldn't find out about my mother's death?" I just looked at him looking extra pathetic and hopefully guilty and left the house entirely. Of course random people tried to stop me but I shrugged them off. Only one person has my back but she has her own crisis so I move to the next best thing, my boyfriend.  When I get there he is in his gym.

" Hi Sizwe."

" Hey babe, why do you look like shit so much?"

" Sizwe what I look like right now doesnt matter, I just found out that my mom is dead."

" Thato that is no excuse to look like a hobo."

" I came to you for help and you say these things,  my mom ficken died on the day I was born, my frigging birthday Sizwe, that you didn't even bother to wish me well on."

" Stop nagging babe, huns don't nag."

" Am I nagging Sizwe? I am your girlfriend for crying out loud, you should at least be trying to support me but here you are concerned about how I look. What the fuck is wrong with you are you psycho?"

" Babe come on, I did nothing, me telling you this means I care. What is this I hear about your mom?"

" Are you for real?"

I immediately left him admiring his stupid pecs. I decided I don't want to be home yet. I texted Xolani that I was gonna be late.

T: Going to clear my head, I hope fhis is a prank
X: Thato come back home, this place isn't safe
T: I wanna be alone X, please don't come for me, my mother can't be dead.

I kept on walking, going to God knows where in my tights and slippers. I reached the outskirts of our township which includes an old park no one goes to anymore and I sat on the bare ground.  My phone rang and I let it and only then let my tears fall.

I had been crying for like half an hour when a white polo stopped right in front of me. A guy dressed up like shit got out of the car and sat on the bench right next to where I was sitting.

" Please kindly move or I will gourge you eyes right out of their socket."

Homeboy kept quiet and that seemed to rile me up. I stood up in front of him with tears still welled up in my eyes.

" Excuse me you rude shit, I said move, I'm trying to fucken mourn alone."

He literally looked at me like he was just jolted from his own world. He smiled at me like nothing happened and slightly touched his ear.

" Hi, you look very mad right now."

" Well then captain obvious,  the tears in my eyes seconds ago should have indicated that this is a private emotional moment."

" But I didn't say anything. "

" Dude I literally just asked you to get the he'll away from here, nicely in fact."

He laughed, like a bellow base filled laugh, it was actually pretty nice to hear, no wtf, I'm grieving.

" My sister, let me tell you that there is nothing nice with what you just said."

" I was nice the first time."

" My apologies,  I didn't hear you."

I figured that if I stood another second with this idiot I would blow up so I kindly made an intentional dramatic turn and left him, or tried to, that is until he grabbed my arm. That was the best touch I have ever gotten, I know, I'm an idiot. Bear with me guys, it was like fireworks.

" Please wait, I couldn't help but notice you were crying,  is everything okay?"

I gave him a once over to indicate his stupidity to him. Can I just pause and appreciate how good-looking this guy, who is probably more than five years older than me, is. First of all, he is taller than my short ass self, and not just tall, I mean towering over me, secondly he is drop dead and his eyes are brown, he is brown himself and his hair is neatly combed and short, I'm not even gonna start on his body. Okay, pause is over, I'm still confused.

" Are you crazy?"- me

" I genuinely care, also a very great listener if you want to talk."

I looked at him dumbfounded. All of my anger dissipating into utter confusion.

" I am very  confused at your actions right now, what the fuck is going on right now?"

He messed with his ear again but this time way slower than the last.

" I'm nervous."- him

Why is he nervous.

" Please continue crying if you want to and watch me make it better."

He said that with the cutest smile. I literally melted and also smiled a little.

" Did I succeed?"-him
"In what?"
" Cheering you up?"


" I don't think anything will cheer me up right now."

He rushed to his car and came back after fiddling there and came out with a p.s chocolate with the message happy birthday.  I smiled and let out a tear.

" Oh no, why I are you crying. "

He sounds concerned.

" It's my birthday today, thanks for the chocolate."

He smiled and again I melted, and then I actually felt a bit more free to go home. I thanked him again and briskwalked home.

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