Chapter 7

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" I really don't get what you are on about buf can we please ask those questions after mama is buried."

I walk towards Xolani's car and plop my ass in the backseat with myself, Lwazi has grown wings and I'll let her. We first go buy a few more groceries and went to buy toys for Siviwe,  no idea why, ask his mother. When I did, she said something about parting gift for him. I still don't get it, I would have just gotten him flowers, I did actually,  I got a lot of flowers for both of them. I almost forgot about my mother's flowers, I have to tend to them soon before her ghost haunts me, just kidding but I really do need to water them. My mom was obsessed with flowers, like big time, I doubt she even knew half of their names, but she loved them anyway. Her off days were spent babysitting her grandchild so his parents could go make some more babies, her words not mine. If Siviwe wasn't there of course, she would be tending to her garden.  She loved the arum lily,  it's a very beautiful flower but she used to say, " Thato baby, never touch that flower, it's a lily, an arum to be exact. It's very poisonous. " " Why do you have dangerous flowers mama?" I'd ask. She  replied," Baby this flower reminds me of you, see how beautiful the flower is? It represents you, nobody would think this beauty is dangerous,  same goes for you baby, many people will think lowly of you baby, not knowing how dangerous you are, or rather how powerful my baby is." I just laughed and told her I'm not dangerous,  to this day, I have no idea of what she was saying. I thought of actually getting her the arum lilies but no, people would say I'm trying to kill them with my mother's death flower so instead decided on calla lilies. I got boy regular white roses. After groceries we went to get more of those toys then went to lunch. Mommy and daddy were actually having a memorial for their baby and I was okay with that, even though they did that in a McDonald's. It was good to see them not that fucked up.

We spent three hours at McDonald's and if was about three, time to wash our loved ones, I put my headscarf back on and help Lwazi with hers. When we got there I decided to pay before going  to see my dead mother.

" Excuse me?"- me
" Your costs have been covered miss." Okay this woman is pissing me off, jow the fuck is my mom's thing paid for when I have been home the entire week.

" By who, because I don't remember you guys calling me to tell me that."

" We can't unfortunately call you you know, you are too young to be called"

She had got to be shitting me, like who ghe fuck does she think she is.

" Excuse me? I won't tolerate this I'll treatment from you, this is my mother and nephew we are talking about, you guys surely had no problem taking down my number, knowing very well that I'm seventeen and now you are telling me this bullshit? You couldn't even call my twenty six year old brother.  You know what, whatever, may we please do what we came here for."

I'm not gonna cry, I am not going to cry. Although she makes a very valid point in mentioning my illegal age, she did not have to put it so harshly, next funeral I am not coming here, and there will be next because I am about to kill my aunt and her brother. Sipho is calling right now.

" Thato, the guests are hungry, where the hell are you, and your father needs money for a suit."

I'm being pranked.

" What is the suit for Aunty?"

" The funeral of course."

I laughed, in front of all three families including who I am with in the parlour.  The nasty looks the young girl with ugly eyebags gave me were downright nasty. Xolani signed a what's up?

" Auntiza please stop being desperate now, after the funeral you can act as crazy as you like, it's just a few more hours."

I hung up and apologised to everyone. We left and mommy and daddy were hysterical. It's sad really. The hearse followed us home and waited at the corner of Sizwe's street,  we proceeded home and Lwazi and I quickly sat on the mattress.  Thirty minutes later my grandmother couldn't move, I had never in my entire seventeen years seen her like that.  People are crying,  everyone, I mean what? 

Anywho, the church ladies from my grandmother's church came and there was a long ass prayer. Listen, I have absolutely nothing against prayer, I actually enjoy the activity very much as it is calming and therapeutic, but to pray for fifteen minutes is just a crime, nobody needs to hear about your forty year old son receiving success,  pray for that shit at your own time. I do, bit I'm not insensitive enough to pray for all that success during a funeral. Enough of me complaining about the woman in the church uniform.  At this point I was pretty tired even though I hadn't slept the entire week and felt nothing all along. The pastor finally came up after three hours, time was eight, no one had eaten.

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