Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As soon as I opened the door, it was chaos in my mother's small house. Xolani and Mthunzi were in a fist fight, not a minor but one where no one dares to enter,  even MaMahlangu seems freaked out because no one has ever seen this side of my brother. I spent my entire seventeen years with him, I know him.

" Everybody shut the fuck up, now!"

I am doing an illegal thing while mourning,  shouting my lungs out. I am very soft spoken but my voice is loud if needs be. It worked because everyone looked at me as I strided right to Mthunzi and X. I looked at X as I approached them.

" Xolani Mnguni?" -me
" Muphi Mnguni wena ntombazane, which Mguni girl?" -Mthunzi
" Baba yehlisa umoya, calm down. X, what is this."-me

" Thato this man left us and comes back ten years later to claim mama's things, worse is he is pretending not to know you Mntakama, who does that. He doesn't deserve to be called baba by you. Uyinja nje uMthunzi. He is a dog."

What did I say about Xolani voicing his thoughts and expressing his emotions.

" Aibo, auwunawo amahloni yini mafana, uSithoko ukhulise amanyala nje. Nayo intombi yakhona ilawula amadoda. Sies man."

No fucken way in hell, this sadistic motherfucker just insulted the way mom mom raised us. Lemme translate. Basically he said my brother has no shame, my drop dead gorgeous mother raised little shits, fuck him for that comment, and that he is disappointed that I'm setting boundaries in the house.  It is comments like these that make me want to shove a knife into the speaker's testicle.

" Baba you unfortunately were not there to raise lamsmyala so I really don't think you have a say in our behavior now that you want our momma's money. Xolani please clean up here, we are leaving in the morning tomorrow. "

I left everyone there, or at least I thought I did. Sipho was obviously my tale.

" Aunty?"

" Uyabona wena sisi, you think you are smart, my brother and I are going to take everything including this little matchbox."

" Aunty,  lemme interrupt you on that one, no one has time for all that drama, could you please be sensible and at least wait until we finish with the funeral?"

She huffed and left the room. I looked at Lwazi, she seemed to be shivering,  sad really.  She has been cooped up in tjus room for the entire week and she will be burying her baby in two days. Don't get me wrong, burying your parent is hard but it's also something natural, our parents aren't here to stay forever, we were programmed to Bury them at one point, we just have a hard time accepting that. The unnatural thing however, is burying your own child. Parents should never Bury their own children or any children. That being said, I feel for everyone in this house.  Out of impulse, I lean in and kiss her on the cheek. As I drift off to sleep I desperately need, my mind drifts off to a certain guy. Homeboy is rather tall so maybe that's why I even see him everything I close my eyes.

" Thato, vuka,  wake up."

I rub my eyes and bloodshot eyes greet me.

" Lwazi? Everything okay?"

She nods and looks away after a while.

" Thank you, I don't think I would have made it through the week without you. I want to go back to school and I'm using this as my opportunity. "

" People will talk Nolwazi. Are you sure you want to leave right after burying boy?"

She nods again and looks me in the eye this time.

" I love my son Thato but I have to do this in order to heal. I envy you though, the way you run things. It's like you are made of steel, unbreakable,  might not even be a word but you are it. Thank you again. "

We hugged for the longest time with her crying. She finally calmed down and when I checked the time, it was three thirty. I decided to catch up on my schoolwork until half past five. I woke Lwazi up so she could get ready. I then called Xolani to tell him to get ready. At seven we were all ready to go.  I wore a long yellow sleeveless summerdress with grey push ins. I put on a doek, rather headscarf and a shawl on my shoulders. Again,  just because I am seeing hell, doesn't mean I have to look like the ugliest horror movie horror. Lwazi finally ate a bit which is good cause she started looking like a stick.  She was wearing a black maxi dress with a hoodie,  not feeling it but okay, and push ins. After that we were almost on our way that it, until daddy dearest decided to pull me aside to speak.

" Kwenzakalani baba, what's up?"

" Whose child are you?"

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