Chapter 8

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Hi guys, I'm finally done with this chapter and the next one, took a long as time because I was procrastinating but I hope that is okay with yall. Also figured that I can use bold letters for my ANs so yayy.

Evening service was done and dusted I decided to go to sleep but not before I stayed up with my grandmother and Lwazi. They were both hysterical,  my grandmother couldn't even talk or do anything for the matter. She looked as numb as I felt at the time. Nolwazi kept on saying something incoherent but close to losing her only child. I actually felt pain for both of them and the fact that I lost people. Xolani just kept quiet and went out. It only dawned at that moment that my life was forever changed and something told me that it was about to get rougher, but as Sithokozile Mnguni always said, " You my dear, are stronger than you think." I have to live up to her words.

We slept today at about two and now it's four and I'm taking a bath. I honestly don't give a fuck about the noise outside or how long Sipho has been knocking,  she can go fuck herself, I'm not in the mood for her. After forty minutes I finish up because the service starts at six and we should be done at the graveyard by nine. We have no time for this late funeral township shit. 'Thato you are so irritable today.' Fuck guys, I'm pissed and sad and every mixed feelings in the entire world.

In the tent they called MaMahlangu first to speak, which ended in her bawling immediately after saying my mother's name. They then called Nolwazi who indirectly told everyone that she was leaving. Xolani said his piece and it was finally my turn. " Hi everyone, I'm really not going to be long because we honestly have no time. Today, in fact this entire week has been excruciating.  As the Mnguni household,  we have lost our pillar as well as our joy. Mama balanced us all and kept us together while Siviwe brought light to the house. Their death is really hard for us. May their beautiful souls rest in peace." I got off and decided to sit in the house for some time. Just as I sat down, my phone, which by the way was on silent pinged miraculously.  I took it out and found a text from an unknown number. ' Your mother's death was no mistake.' What the hell? I'll see to it later.

We finally made it to the graveyard and there it finally clicked that  the duo had died. It was fine when they lowered them but when it was time to pour out the sand... I cannot begin to explain the feeling but I do know that it was too much to bear. I really wanted to cry but I really couldn't when I looked at my family. Did I also mention that I was brought back to the world by my dad almost pushing me into Siviwe's grave? Yeah, he apparently wanted me to move so he could pay his respect, ashore didn't even know Siviwe.  Everything after that went fine. I asked to stay and MaMahlangu let me as they left but not after promising to be home before dusk. I kneeled near mama's grave and said a few hurtful things,  okay a lot. Not to anyone in particular because she cannot hear me but just saying that. I mentioned how mad I was that she died on my birthday,  mad that she didn't fight but instead let the accident consume her. How scared I am even though I promised never to be. I was finally done and I found one of the cars that brought us waiting for me. I couldn't see what was inside because it was dimmed but I knew it from its license plate.  I climbed in and greeted the driver. Two people answered, only to find Adonis next to me.

" Let's go get food, it's apparent that you haven't eaten today."- him

" Seriously dude. How the fuck did you?"-me

" This car and the funeral parlour are mine, one of my employees told me that a family member was left here and hadn't eaten." Homeboy said that like it wasn't weird. " So you decided to come here why?" I asked him, very irritated that my guard was down. " I care for you. Yeah, order three meals and a milkshake for her. Chocolate." Our food arrived miraculously and I frankly had no appetite. " Eat, you need energy after the week you've had." This guy really needs to stop ordering me around.  He messed with his ear for the thousandth time since we met. "Please eat babe."

I'm melting,  just that simple word made me melt. Maybe eating with him isn't such a bad idea, I mean he hasn't pulled out a knife to kill me yet so I guess I can be civil. I start eating and the wrap tastes amazing. There is major drool, I don't know if it's from the food or the company. Seriously,  God took his time when making this guy. He is dark and has really neat hair,  his body is to die for. The only mistake on him is his stupid fashion sence and the irritating thing he does on his left ear. Okay maybe the ear thing is pretty cute.

" What are you thinking about, is it you mother?"- him

" Not really,  thinking about the whole thing makes me sad and I can't be sad, I have to be strong for my family." He looked at me weird when I said that. I shrugged as a way of asking him what. " You know crying is okay right? It only makes you stronger.  I'm giving you a chance to cry now babe." What the hell is he saying? I'm really gonna cry and I don't want anyone to see that, especially him.

" Please take me home, its getting late. Thanks for the food." I look out of the window as he asks the driver to drive to my house, I don't look anywhere else as tears roll down my eyes.

Also please continue reading,  more is about to go down. I really like Mystery guy, even though I have no idea what to name him

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