-27- 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚐

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A/n: I will most definitely will love writing this chapter; This should be interesting enjoy your read!


Today was going to be a perfect day, a nice Sunday the weather was great everything was surreal. You were spending time with Noah and Tyler they've been together for a little over six months, one could think they've been together forever. They just knew each other perfectly— "Hey, let's go in here real quick I need some new clothing" Noah announced.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes "You always need new clothing"— "That is so not true, I just... like to invest my money into fashion it's a lifestyle love" Noah clapped back, turning to Tyler. "What do you think?" Noah questioned.

He looked shocked and chuckled slyly putting his hands up "I kinda have to agree with Y/n, you do always go shopping" That was a bad move. Noah gasped and stormed off into the clothing shop. You and Tyler stayed out and just burst out laughing at Noah's grumpiness, Tyler turned to you and clamped his hands together.

"So Y/n, uhh, is the plan still on?" He asked squinting his eyes unsure if you was still on board.— "Of course I am!" You cheered.

"Man, he's amazing I just love him so much and I can't wait to spend my life with him" Tyler went on like a school boy who had the biggest crush, it was cute. "Of course Tyler anything for you guys, now let's go in so you don't upset your boyfriend even more" You joked, bashing Noah a little.

After spending nearly the entire afternoon together, joy riding around the streets of London the three of you made it back to the vehicle you all car pooled in.
"Man I am worn out from all that walking" You announced with a sigh relaxing in the back seat. Conversely Noah and Tyler could say the same, wasn't much of a surprise as Noah made Tyler carry his many bags. It was funny actually.

"You're meeting us at the restaurant right? After we drop you off home?" Noah asked buckling his seat belt.— You raised your phone to your eye range and calculated how long it would take you to get ready, giving it thought "Yes I should be there in time" You countered back.

The drive was quite a long one, but, nevertheless you were home "Alright bye I'll see you there at the restaurant!" Closing the car door you watched as they slowly drove away and headed through the gates.

Walking the familiar path you made it to the door, walking inside the home you called your own. "Doll I'm home!" You shouted announcing your appearance.

"In the kitchen love!" Cate shouted. You chuckled to yourself and took your shoes off, proceeding to walk towards the kitchen— turning the corner you saw your blonde at the kitchen island on her laptop. She was wearing her big black sunnies and had hair up in a messy bun, she was adorable.
Placing your items down you walked up behind Cate wrapping your arms around her, giving the biggest bear hug. "Hey my love, how was spending time with the boys?" Leaning into your touch.

"It was fun, but, we gotta get ready" You replied to her question sighing at the last statement.— "Ready for what?"
You pulled back and tilted your head to the right slyly "The restaurant remember? Tyler's proposing to Noah" You re-informed her.

"Shit! That was today?!" Cate asked panicking.
You placed your hands on her shoulders and squeezed them, "Guessing with work it slipped your mind huh?" You chimed.— "Yes, that is uh... very much true" The Australian commented "Well we should get dress, we wouldn't wanna be late" Cate rebuttal. You agreed and began walking, saving her docs she was working on and then closing her laptop she began following you afterwards.

Dressed in blue trousers and a black button-up, with black heels you were ready "Well don't you look lovely" Cate complimented as she was putting on some earrings.— "And I can say the same about you, you look amazing" You cheered her on. Cate was wearing a beautiful black gown.

Entering the restaurant you and Cate made it to the receptionist where Noah and Tyler were waiting. Greeting the worker they headed the party of four to the reserved table "Alrighty, here are your menu's" They vocalised, handing out menu's as one of you sat down. Leaving after taken your drink orders, you guys continued searching the menu for starters. Leaning towards Cate; peaking over her shoulder "Anything peaked your interest?" You pondered.— "Nope, everything on here looks amazing it's hard to decide!" Cate declared, you had chuckled at her tenderness. "You aren't kidding" You had agreed.

"Okay what can I get for your starter's" The waiter startled you, you didn't even notice them walking nor appear. "Me and him will have the spinach dip" Noah delivered his verdict. Jotting the order down quickly they turned to you and Cate's side of the table.

"Uhh, I'll have the vegetable soup please" You went on to deliver your verdict.— "And I'll have the caesar salad please" Cate followed up. Jotting that down. "Okay, that'll be right out for you guys" They informed, just then another waiter came out with the drinks. You all thanked them as they placed the drinks down, the two went on dismissing themselves.
      "So Cate, how has work been treating you?" Noah asked, sipping his liquor.— "Stressful, it's like someone's pulling at my ass" Cate sighed. You laughed quietly to yourself.

"What about you?" Cate countered, sipping her martini.— "Things have been going great, I am taking a break from acting though. So I can spend time with this random guy who is magically now my boyfriend" Noah spoke, throwing a joke in that made the table laugh. Dying down the starters came.

Hours of enjoying yourselves just at the restaurant, you guys where mid through your entrée's; Clearing his throat Tyler stood up Noah looked up confused. You nudged Cate's arm because you were excited. Tyler slowly pushed in his chair and walked to the side of Noah. "Noah..." He began, you quickly pulled your phone out to film. Getting on one knee he pulled a box out of his trouser pockets, the building slowly started to go quiet. "Noah James Morítz..." He slowly spoke.

"Oh honey look he's about to propose!" You could hear a lady whisper to her counter-part.

"I know we've only been together for six months, but, I feel like we've been together longer than that. I'm so happy I found you and you found me" He started, Noah placing a hand over his mouth. "You make me the happiest man on earth, heck I feel like I'm the luckiest. So would you do the honours and be my groom?" He finished his monologue. The restaurant went dead silent and all eyes were on your table to witness this beautiful moment. You turned to Cate who had the biggest smile on her face.

"I- Yes! Yes I would love to marry you!" Noah finally preached, the whole building burst in cheers and applauses. Jumping up he pulled Noah into the biggest hug, then giving him a kiss on the lips. Still recording this beautiful moment you leaned on Cate.

"This is so beautiful isn't it?" You asked. — "It is, it really is" Cate stated, her smile bigger than ever. The place settled down, and not long after waiters approached your table, one was holding a cake, slowly placing it down.
"Compliments of the manager, congratulations on your proposal" They delivered the messaged.

Thanking the pupils, they scattered off.
Taking your glass, you raised it in the air "To marriage" You started.
Tyler, Cate and Noah took the glasses and clinked it with your own "To marriage!" All said in sync.

A/n: Noah and Tyler are so fricken cute!
If you got this far and enjoyed it, be sure to share!

A/n: New chapters are in the process of being written, thank you for being patience. More will be with you shortly.

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