Chapter 4: Old Friends and New Enemys

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Hello! Hope everyone is enjoying the first few chapters!

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Enjoy the chapter!

It had been a couple of months since I had made it to the refugee camp. I withdrew all of my shanix from my accounts and tried to fade into the crowds. It was considerably hard because of my easily recognized frame. I had been trying to keep up with the news, and had found out that there was a prime I had never heard of, leading the Autobots, a group formed to fight the decepticons.

I decided that I wanted to meet this prime and see what the deal was about. I discovered that he would bed making a trip to this refugee camp to try and recruit bots. I wanted to find out if he was the real deal or not. Then I began to plan. I knew he wouldn't just be able to talk with me, he's probably a very busy boy, so I planned to just walk up and demand he so pal with me.

It was a couple of days until he came, but it was finally the day. As I was getting my cloak on when I heard someone shout.

"He's coming! The new Prime is on his way!!"

I pulled the hood of my cloak on and stepped out of my housing unit into the crowds. I tried to blend in, but it was kind of hard considering I towered over most mechs and femme, at least I could clearly see the procession coming down the streets. Once I got a clear look, I couldn't believe what was in front of my optics.

Walking a few feet away from me was what looked to be a more buff version of Uncle Orion. I gasped and without thinking, walked out of the crowd and right in front of him. The soldiers with him tensed but before they could do anything, Orion held up his servo.

"Are you sure sir?"

"It is perfectly alright, if I were to get mad at mechs and femmes for just wanting to speak with me I would be no better than the Decepticons. Now what do you need?"

I paused and then pulled my hood up off, "Uncle Orion? Your a Prime now?"

"Starfall? Your still alive!"

He rushed forward and hugged me, not caring at all for the crowds around us. I did notice a couple of bots perk up when they heard my name but ignited it.

"Uncle Orion, can we go somewhere private to talk?"

"Of course, and it's Optimus now. Soldiers, return to the ship. I wish to speak with my niece in private."

I watched as both mechs saluted and then walked away after telling the crowds to disperse. I guided Optimus back to my quarters and we sat down. We just sat and talked for a while, just enjoying each others company. He said he had to go so I decided to propose a couple of ideas that had been floating around in my head for a while.

"So Optimus, I have a couple of ideas for the refugee camps. Mostly to give bots something to do."

"What do you propose?" He asked.

I steepled my hands and then began. "Well, I was thinking that maybe we could make jobs in the camps so bots still feel useful and have something to do. I was also thinking that we could perhaps have a small training area in the middle of the camp. I know you don't like violence, but it could be used to train others how to protect themselves. And it will probably boost people's attitude if we had good natured, training matches."

I then sat back as I waited for his answer. He had leaned back and was giving me a small smile.

"Listen, I understand you wanting me to help, but no one would trust me if they saw my face. I look too much like my sire, in frame too."

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