Chapter 5: Finding Family

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"Who are you?!"

"I am no one. Just a neutral refugee that used to mine in the Mining Pits of Kaon. Nothing more, nothing less."

Wheeljack scoffed, "Yeah right! You look just like Megatron!!"

I sighed and said, "Fine, you want to know who I am? I am Starfall, the femme gladiator, champion of The Pits of Kaon, and daughter of Megatronus.

I heard the collective gasps throughout the crowd. Bots who I thought would have trusted me, no matter what, were now aiming weapons at me, including my own students. I growled before turning to Wheeljack.

"Now do you see why I keep my secrets?! I wanted to get away from the reputation of my sire, but you couldn't allow that could you?! Now mechs and femmes who I thought were my friends, are against me!"

I decided I wouldn't wait for his answer and ran towards him. He looked absolutely terrified, but right before I would of reached him, I jumped into the air, transformed, and took off. As I flew away blaster fire whizzed by me. I managed to evade all of it and make it to a space shuttle station without being detected.

I swiftly knocked out the guards and hijacked a small ship. I had to get off of Cybertron. No one was ever going to trust me, no matter what I did to distance myself from my sire. I lifted off and headed for the closest open space bridge. The space bridge had a shipping shuttle going through, so I got underneath it and went through the bridge undetected. Once I got to the other side I set the navigation system for a far away planet. Once that was done, the ship put me into stasis before rocketing into deep space.

One year of space travel later

I was awoken by the ship notifying me of being stuck in the gravitational pull of a large planet. Once I was fully awake, I grabbed the controls for the ship, and guided it down towards the planet, thinking I could maybe search for energon. When I landed, I locked up my stolen vessel and started to explore the seemingly dead planet.

I was about to give up hope, but my scanners suddenly pinged with a nearby energon source! I quickly flew the short distance, before transforming back to root mode, and searching where the source originated. I soon came across a small mountain with a tunnel in the side. "Huh, maybe there is life on this planet." I thought before I entered the tunnel. While it was small, it wasn't small enough to where I couldn't force my way through.

I continued in until the tunnel got wider, and slowly stood. I slowly began to stretch, before looking at my scanner. I was only a few hundred kliks from the energon. I smiled as I continued on, and when I turned a corner, my smile just grew bigger. There, in front of me, was a large pool of purplish energon. I thought the color was strange, but it was still energon, which I would need greatly in the coming megacycles.

I used my servos to scoop the liquid energon and drink until my systems were full. I stood before unsubspacing multiple energon cubes and began filling them. Once they were filled I put the now full cubes back in my subspace and began making my way out of the cave. While I did I thought I heard a squawking noise but when it didn't persist I left the caves and headed back to my ship. Once I got there I loaded the cubes into the storage bay and grabbed a few more empty ones to go fill up at the energon pool.

Right as I was about to transform, when a splitting pain raced through my helm. "AUGHGGH!!! What is wrong with me?!?" I continued to cry in pain before my vision started to fade out. The world around me slowly got fuzzier before I blacked out. When I awoke I felt as if there was a presence in my processor that didn't belong. Although it caused me more immense pain, I focused and forced the presence out of my helm. Although whatever it was passed quickly, I could sense it was pure evil.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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