Chapter Seven: Maybe... but no.

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(____) =author note     "______"=speaking

Warning ⚠️: the end note is very important please please please read it
Ray Pov:

I decided that it would be better to head back to the school. I knew I didn't miss anything, because we were on a break. We still are but in a few days it'll come to an end and we'll have class again. The school wasn't too far away and before I knew it there I was right in front of UA, but now I had to walk in. I got close to the door, and then opened it. I got inside and saw everyone sitting, or standing in the convenience room (I FORGOT WHAT IT WAS CALLED RAAAHHH! ) I stood at the door waiting for people to start yelling, but was only met with hugs and tears. " Deku-kun why did you leave like that! " Ururaka shouted "I... I-I" Before I could apologize Aizawa sensei cut me off "You made us worry. " He said with slight concern "I-I know and I'm sorry. But ... I was angry and I had the right to do that. " I said, my "inner ray" coming out, or at least that's what Emma likes to call it. "Oi nerd you shouldn't have stormed off you had them worried! " Bakugou shouted, when he said that I knew it was his way of apologising for what happened. "I know but I needed me time. " I said with a tone that said I wasn't sorry. Which made Bakugou break and actually apologize, " Look... I'm sorry... I guess I shouldn't have gotten that mad at you. " He said "Alright I don't forgive you. Now if you'll excuse me I have a book I'd like to read. " I said while walking off "Wait! What no come here. I didn't apologize just for you to not forgive me! " Bakugou yelled at me, honestly how can one not ( did not mean to make this bold) assume they wouldn't be forgiven, after doing what he did.  " young Midoriya perhaps you'd feel okay talking this out with us! ? " Allmight said, he annoys me, but because of who I'm playing I have to act like I love Allmight "Oh of course Allmight! " I said trying to hide my annoyance "Wonderful! Come sit please! " He said to me pointing to a couch near him.  I go to sit down, and once I do silence falls over the room. "So Mido-Bae... What happened to make you ... Cutt off your... Um your ear? " Mina asked me "umm well I don't feel very comfortable sharing that. " I responded, hoping that  they would leave the subject alone. " It's ok young Midoriya, you can trust us! " Allmight said trying to reassure me " Maybe... but no. " I said
To be continued

End note: Hello! Umm so I'm sorry for how short this is but I really don't have much in my brain at the moment. Anyways I thought about making a schedule, So basically Every Friday I'll post to this story, and any other story I have will be on...well a different day. So thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day/night and please stay safe😘

Read also very very important:
So I've been thinking about a bunch of stories I want to do and well I want you all to be happy so I thought hey what if the readers pick what I should write. Ok so here are your choices

1. Pjo and tbhk, Nico and Will as Mitsuba and Kou.

2. Pjo and Bsd, Percy as Poe(don't ask, it came in a ✨dream✨/j

3.completely original story you may or may not like.

4.mha and genshin impact , Deku as venti (this would be a pleasure story so it will have my ships such as Xiao x Venti x Aether, again don't ask. Though if you do I will tell you)

5.Assination classroom and Mha
Kaminari as Nagisa (It will be good I promise, if you do choose to vote for it that is. )

6. Hxh and Mha, Killua goes to UA

7. Bsd and Mha, I need a duo to go to UA. (If you vote tell me what duo)

8. Star vs the forces of evil and something else. (This one's a maybe.

9. Anything with over the garden wall (you give me your idea

Anyways those are the ones I'll let you pick from. Please please please vote.

Bye have a wonderful day/night and please stay safe😘

The mirror shows who I used to beOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant