Chapter 21: Unexpected Discoveries

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With the identify of the mysterious woman, who visited the towns doctor with Marco, now revealed as Rosa Lombardi, mother of Marco. Connie had presumed that Marco's mother Rosa was also the same Rosa that Ms Jessica Delights had mentioned runs the ticket booth who like Marco until this point had evaded Detective Black.

Detective Black still had more questions for Marco, and now his mother, but also knew Dr Roundhouse, although bound to confidentiality might be able to shed further light on their visit.

Detective Black was leaving Marco the Magnificent's trailer to go and visit Ms Jessica Delights when she had her attention immediately cast to some shadows and movements she could see behind the trailers, she instantly thought this could be the disappearing acrobats, the Bauer twins who were still missing and potentially on the run.

There was a large truck which is parked behind the trailers, inside is where they store all the props, lighting and equipment. Was this the reappearance of Felix and Sofia, is this where they have been hiding all along?
Thoughts that were racing through Detective Black's mind as again she could see more movement hopping behind the trailers, this time Connie got a good glimpse of one of the figures and it matched Sofia's description. Connie knew she now had to act quickly.

The commotion didn't stop there as while Detective Black was running to investigate the circus truck, the onsite doctor was rushing past her to Luna Alvarez's trailer where Victor had hurried him in with a concerned look.

After Detective Black had left her trailer earlier this morning, Miss Alvarez had fainted, Victor was concerned so requested the Doctor come immediately. As the doctor ran tests on Luna, Mr Miguel was pacing the trailer like one of his lions would when hunting for food, he was anxiously waiting for the results wondering what had caused Luna to collapse.

Moments later the doctor turned to Victor with a solemn expression. "Victor," he said, "Luna is pregnant."

Victor was momentarily stunned by this revelation, the last diagnosis he was expecting, but as he glanced back to Luna, she didn't seem surprised by the news at all. He was now very aware that the promise made to Miss Alvarez's mother Marilena, now took on a new dimension.

Luna, still recovering from her dizzy spell that caused her to faint asked Victor to sit next to her so she could reveal the truth. "I knew, Victor, and so did Mr Ortiz. After our heated exchange the other week where he was accusing me of a lack of commitment to his circus I knew then I had to reveal the truth. I visited his trailer the next morning and explained everything. He understood and reluctantly asked me to stop performing once we had left Haven."

Victor trying to digest this information and still getting over the shock that Luna was pregnant asked "But why didn't you tell me?"

Luna ignored this and continued, "Mr Ortiz was trying to protect me and told me he wanted me back when I was able to perform again but for now he choose to protect his ticket sales first and have me replaced with Madame Hattie's niece, Felicity Fontaine. He knew I couldn't perform my act in my condition for much longer and that was the end of it."

Victor Miguel suddenly switched to protective father figure and was about to ask Luna who the father was, when their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a deafening crash from outside. It was a sound that reverberated around the circus.

Startled and concerned Victor rushed out into the trailers courtyard, followed closely by Luna then a couple more of the performers were all ascending. As they were emerging they found that chaos and confusion spreading as it was clear that something significant had just occurred. All the performers eyes widened in the shock as they realised the source of the commotion. The large truck containing all the circus props and lighting equipment had incredibly overturned, spilling its contents across the ground.

Amid the scattered possessions of the Carnival of Curiosity circus, a gasp of surprise and in many cases relief came across the performers. It was then that they witnessed a familiar sighting. Felix and Sofia, the acrobat twins, had emerged from the truck, seemingly unharmed. Their sudden reappearance was nothing short of miraculous.

Detective Black also appeared soon behind them, the circumstances surrounding the accident and now the twins' sudden return were shrouded in mystery.

The chaos in the circus was reaching fever point as the excitement at the return of the Bauer twins was immense among the circus community, however there was a tinge of trepidation of what was forthcoming for the twins, which couldn't be escaped.

As Detective Black led them away from the scene, the circus ensemble began to gather all the possessions the truck had spilled out. Using the help from the majestic elephants, who had rope tied to them, to help turn the truck back onto its correct side, murmurs began to fill the courtyard of what was to unfold for their friends Felix and Sofia Bauer.

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