Chapter 71: Collaborative Pursuits

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Felix glanced at his watch, a hint of anxiety creeping in. "Detective, I hate to interrupt, but I'm due for rehearsals soon. I'll cooperate fully, but I need to go."

Detective Black nodded understandingly. "Of course, Felix. We'll continue this later. Don't stray far, though."

As Felix hurried off to the rehearsals, Detective Black set out to find Madame Hattie. She had a hunch that the circus matriarch held crucial insights into the circus's affairs and the recent upheaval surrounding Lorenzo's will.

Madame Hattie, draped in vibrant silks and wearing her signature crystal-embellished turban, greeted the detective warmly. "Ah, Detective Black, what brings you to my humble abode?"

"Madame Hattie, I seek your wisdom," Detective Black began, her tone respectful but firm. "I need to understand more about the circus's dealings and any recent developments regarding Lorenzo's will."

Madame Hattie's eyes twinkled knowingly. "Ah, the mysteries that swirl around us. Yes, dear, I have my ear to the ground, as always."

She invited Detective Black in, and as they sipped on fragrant tea, Madame Hattie shared intriguing tidbits about Lorenzo's will, mentioning how it seemed to hold hidden clauses that could disrupt the Carnival of Curiosity's dynamics.

"There's more than meets the eye in Lorenzo's will," Madame Hattie mused. "Some provisions could alter the fate of this circus significantly."

Detective Black leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "Do you know anything about recent developments involving the deeds and ownership shares Madame Hattie? Any clues about who might have benefited or been displeased by these revelations?"

Madame Hattie paused, her gaze distant for a moment before she shook her head gently. "Not directly, my dear. But such matters tend to ruffle feathers among the circus folk. There are always those who seek more or feel slighted by what they're allocated."

Detective Black thanked Madame Hattie for her insights, realising that the circus's internal dynamics were far more intricate than she had initially thought.

Detective Black rose from her seat, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Madame Hattie, before I leave, I must ask for your discretion in this matter. It involves delicate information regarding the Lombardi family and Ms. Delights."

Madame Hattie's eyes gleamed with understanding. "Your secrets are safe with me, Detective. My lips are sealed."

The detective nodded appreciatively and bid Madame Hattie farewell. She made her way through the bustling circus grounds, her footsteps purposeful as she sought out Victor Miguel, the enigmatic snake charmer.

In the distance, among the fluttering circus tents, she spotted Victor attending to his exotic animals. "Victor!" she called out, drawing near.

Victor turned, a mix of surprise and curiosity on his face as Detective Black approached. "Detective Black, what brings you here?"

"I need to discuss something important with you," Detective Black said, her tone urgent. "I recently spoke with Felix, and he mentioned your involvement in the events preceding Mr. Ortiz's demise. Can you corroborate his account?"

Victor's expression shifted, a hint of wariness in his eyes. "Felix has been truthful. I did warn him about Ortiz's anger that night. I even gave him one of Marco's knives for protection."

The detective nodded, absorbing the confirmation. "Why did you do that, Victor?"

Victor hesitated before answering. "Mr. Ortiz was livid, more so than I'd ever seen. I feared for Felix's safety."

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