Chapter 38: Interrogating Shadows: Unveiling Felix's Secrets

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Meanwhile over in Detective Black's office at the station, the early morning sun, a more welcome visitor, was beaming a bright piercing glow across her desk. Connie was eager and ready for another day of questioning upon hearing the drama that unfolded at the circus last night.

Connie swiftly made her way to the interrogation room, her mind filled with thoughts about the recent discoveries in the props truck that included the murder weapon. Felix Bauer's belongings had been discovered there along with his sisters, so how long where they planning to hide in there for she wondered.

Entering the room, she found Felix sitting calmly, his gaze fixed on the table as he bore a frustrated figure. He glanced up as Connie took a seat across from him, a mix of uncertainty and determination etched on his face with what another interrogation was to bring.

"Mr Bauer," Connie began, her tone abrupt yet measured. "We found some of your belongings in a rather unexpected place. Care to explain why so many of your possessions were in the props truck rather than your trailer?"

Felix shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat before speaking, "I... I might have left them in there by mistake, Sofia and I, we sometimes use the props truck to practice our routines, or let off some steam after hours for fun. I must of forgotten a few things."

Connie nodded, her gaze sharp "Don't waste my time Mr Bauer," Connie replied irritably "It looks more like you were planning on hiding in there for quite some time!"

As she continued, she held a strong gaze on Felix, probing for any further signs of deception. "Can you tell me your connection with Ms Jessica Delights?"

Felix hesitated once more, slightly taken aback with the sudden change in questioning, he chose his words carefully. "Ms Delights and I, and Sofia have a history. She trained us when we were young performers in our hometown of Ottendorf in Germany. She was a mentor to us, especially when our act required specialised training."

Connie raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this information. "And what kind of relationship did you have with Ms Delights?"

Felix seemed reluctant to share much more but finally relented. "She was more than just a trainer I suppose, she was like family in the end, like an aunt or older sister. She helped us join the circus here, as we had kept in touch since then. We hadn't seen her for years until we joined the Carnival of Curiosity."

"Did Ms Delights ever express any grievances or issues with anyone at the circus?" Detective Black inquired further, sensing there might be more to this connection that he was letting on.

Felix Bauer shook his head. "Not that we knew of. She was always professional, beyond her role as choreographer and trainer, she kept to herself mostly."

Connie was still gauging his reactions for any signs of deception, sensing there might be more to uncover regarding the relationship with the twins and Ms Delights.

Detective Black then unfolded a vintage poster and placed in on the table in front of Mr Bauer, he glanced up, a faint glint of surprise flickering across his face. "Ah, yes, this poster," he replied, his tone tinged with reminiscence.

"Yes, Mr Ortiz and Ms Delights did perform together in several acts and tours that we did back then. They were quite the fearsome duo, wowing audiences night after night."

Detective Black noted a subtle change in Felix's demeanour, a brief tightening around his eyes as if recalling a memory.

"Would you say they had a close relationship?" Connie probed further.

Felix paused, considering how he answered the detective's question. "Their partnership on stage was very professional. However, there were rumours and potential signs about them being romantically involved at the time. Sofia and I never knew for certain, but it was suggested in the circus circles."

Connie nodded, intrigued. "And what about Mr Ortiz's marriage? Was he married to Ms Delights as the posters suggest?"

Felix seemed taken aback by the directness of the question. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "That's not something I can confirm. They did perform together and alongside us but there was no sign of them being married but that wasn't any of our business, I wasn't privy to that information."

Detective Black jotted down some notes, and rolled the poster back up. Detective Black was pretty certain they were married from Bella the Brave's contractual dispute but wanted more specific time frames.

"Tell me more about performing with Ms Delights and your ringmaster Mr Ortiz" Detective Black inquired with an inquisitive tone "Did it add more tension performing stunts with your boss?"

Felix leaned back on his chair, feeling more comfortable and happy to open up. "Our act, I think, lasted for around two seasons together. We collaborated on various aerial and acrobatic displays. It was a thrilling time for all of us, no doubt. The audiences were in awe, and you could hear gasps of amazement.

Detective Black detected a hint of nostalgia in Felix's voice. "And were there any tensions or disagreements among the four of you?"

Felix paused before responding. "Nothing significant. The usual artistic differences and minor disagreements that happen in collaborative endeavours. Especially where we are pushing ourselves to the limit. Overall, we got along quite well."

Connie then shifted her focus to Ms Delights' transition from performing to managing the confectionery stall. "Do you have any insight into why Ms Delights stopped performing and assumed a different role?"

Felix furrowed his brow, recalling the shift. "It was unexpected, to be honest. She was an exceptional trampolinist, loved and respected by everyone. Her decision to step back from performing was puzzling for us all. I heard it was due to a slight injury, but she never elaborated on it much."

Detective Black made more notes in her book, intrigued by such a shift from performer to stall holder. There now seemed an air of mystery surrounding Ms Delights' transition, something surely beyond a simple injury.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Felix," Connie said concluding the interview. "I might have more questions for you later but it looks like you just might, finally, be allowed to return back to the Circus."

As she left the interrogation room, Connie couldn't shake the feeling that the relationships within the circus were unique, where performers were more intertwined than you could imagine.

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