Chapter 1: A Little Help, Please?

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(Author's Note: This chapter mentions murder. Please be forewarned. Thank you!)

"Hey, Scylla?" Demetria called out, stumbling into the now-not-so-abandoned warehouse and swiftly slamming the door closed. "I-I kinda...uh, made a blizzard." She looked around. Sure, asking for help from the literal godlike demon and former clan leader was not exactly a good idea, but it was better than trying to disperse the -360 degree weather outside by herself.

Demetria heard the woman laugh from above as Scylla Raven landed behind the young adult. Scylla said lightly, "I thought you were with that unicorn."

"The biàn tài and his equally bèn dàn sister kicked me out!" Demetria protested, her face reddening in the humiliation the memory brought back for her.

"After the stunt you pulled? They don't have any taste in strong people like us." Scylla hummed. "It's astonishing how a tasteless family managed to acquire an empire."

Apparently by using brute force and manipulation. Demetria thought. She sighed, hanging her head a little . After all, it was her fault that she "accidentally" froze down an entire castle.

Scylla noticed the glum look in the young Froster's eyes. Wanting to be at least a little comforting, the demon sets her hand on Demetria's shoulder and said, "Hey, you just hit the not-so-normal stage; of course you couldn't control all that ice everyday all the time. I've felt - heck, I DID the same thing."

"As if that makes me feel any better." Demetria grumbled.

"I'm serious. Even I had trouble learning how to control that much power. You're doing great."

What about the blizzard? I'm CLEARLY doing a bad job. Demetria pushed that thought away, saving those thoughts for when she's alone. Heaving a sigh, she forced herself to mutter, "I guess I am great at making snowballs appear out of thin air."

Scylla raised a eyebrow at the lesser attitude, but still smiled nonetheless. "Great! Now that that's happened, how about we go deal with the snowstorm outside?" Scylla asked excitedly, clapping her hands together.

"You're planning to execute my ex, aren't you?" Demetria accurately guessed, earning herself a light pat on the head.

"Yep, can't let the brat get away with what he's doing." Scylla replied.

"Euugh, let's just get this over with - and no killing!" Demetria quickly added.

"Semi-lethal, then?" Scylla pleaded.


"You wound me."

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