13 - You have all my love

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Soo-jae's POV

She ended the call. "Jeez, not even a goodbye?" I said to myself grabbing my car keys "whatever, I'm gonna visit her"
I said getting in my car and starting it. I drove all the way to the JYP building.

Someone came out, hae-na. "Hae-na? What are you doing here?" I asked then she gasps "soo-jae!~ where have you been? I missed you, you know?" She said clinging on to me "ew! Get off me." I said harshly while pushing her off "whyyy??"
She whined "have you seen Y/N?" I asked looking around "oh, she's in her dorm! Why are you searching for her though? I'm right here you know!!!" She said pouting. I ignored her and sneaked in to see Y/N.

I saw her on the couch, sitting and eating something. I slowly walked up to her and covered her mouth with my hand so she couldn't say anything. I kept on hearing muffled screams from her while I carried her to my car. "Shh! Don't say anything."
I slightly yelled but still whispered. I placed her in my car and tucked the seatbelt, I closed the door and went in. I locked the door and drove off.

Changbin's POV

I woke up and went to the kitchen to get some food cause I'm quite hungry and- wasn't Y/N here? I looked around the living room and couldn't find her, anywhere... Is she okay? I shrugged it off because I thought she was just in her room again, sleeping. Weird, I thought I heard muffled screams when I was about to go out of my room... I'll just check her room she might be there! I walked to her room and opened the door gently and slowly.

"Y/N? Where are you?" I asked quietly after seeing she wasn't in the room. Bangchan woke up after hearing me say that. "Changbin..? Why are you here..."
He says tiredly "have you seen Y/N?" I asked him. His eyes went wide, "what do you mean 'have you seen Y/N?' Is she.. Gone?" He asked, worried "I thought she was with you..?" I said "no, she left to get a snack... I saw that cause I slightly woke up when she went out" bangchan says.

Was she really gone?

Or did she just leave because she needed fresh air?

"Did Y/N bring her phone?" I asked because she always brings her phone when leaving "I don't know... Didn't quite see it" Bangchan says "I'll try to text her"
I say pulling my phone out from my pocket.


Y/N where are you?
Y/N? Helloooo??
Me and Bangchan are very worried.
Sent 04:16

"She didn't even see the messages..." I said. Bangchan's face immediately went worried. "S-she didn't?" He asked stuttering "I'm going out." Bangchan says leaving to go out and find her "I'm coming!" I said following him.

I know I said I was writing one but there was a little bit of a hold up well, maybe not a little bit. So, I'm very sorry about that! Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

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