The ropes

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He laughed as he stopped cutting my skin.
- A cruel person would cut off your whole hand, but I didn't - he said as if he just did something kind and I was being ungrateful for that.
- So that means I am not cruel.
He put his knife away and started cuddling me, despite my tears.
He even took his hand off of my mouth.
- My sweet, sweet angel...
He kissed me again and got up.
- You must be hungry. Wait here for a moment.
He went out of the room. I was now lying alone in this small bedroom. The green mattress was pretty comfortable, but that didn't make the ropes holding me down comfortable too.

I tried to look up. I saw desk. I saw notes. I saw drawings. About twenty drawings of me. They were covered in hearts that I often doodle in my notebook. I didn't want to stare at those. I had more important things to worry about. Like the wound on my shoulder that kept bleeding.
I suddenly noticed that a part of the ropes on my hand is a bit ripped off.
I bit it, really trying to rip it off completely. After a while I've done it. My hands were free now.

Sadly I didn't celebrate for long, as I noticed my kidnapper standing right behind me.
He grabbed my wrists and pushed me to the bed.
- Let go! - I screamed.
When I started resisting he kept pinning me with more force.
- So I give you a comfortable bed to lay on and you do this?
I felt a needle in my neck. He injected me with something. Everything faded to black.

Zandik x SohrehWhere stories live. Discover now