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I woke up tied up in more ropes. I felt someone's hands on my waist.

My kidnapper was hugging me?!
I didn't like it one bit, but there was nothing I could do to take his fingers off of my body. He was hugging me tightly. Too tightly.
This time he probably thought about it more and tied my hands behind my back.
Even just being in his presence was enough to make me disgusted. I hate how he kissed me, while still drooling. It wasn't cute, neither romantic.
Yet yesterday I thought that he is such a nice person.

- Oh, you don't like the way I kiss you, Sohreh? - I suddenly heard his voice.
I said that out loud?!
He sat on me. Now I couldn't move even a bit.
He started kissing me, drooling even more. He was blushing.
When he finished he wiped the saliva off of his face.
- You're like a little strawberry - he said. - You are so sweet and delicious.
I didn't have the energy to resist. It would be pointless anyway.
- Wow, it's the first time you aren't screaming or trying to push me away - he smirked. - Do you like it?
I just sighed, which made him giggle.
- So - he started. - Do you want to eat something or will you untie yourself when I am away again?
I stayed silent.
- Oh, Sohreh - he sounded mad, but then he added. - Fine. I will bring you food anyway.
He went away. This time I just lied in the bed.
It'd make no sense to try.
I stared at the ceiling, just waiting for him to come back.

He walked into the room, holding a bowl of apples. He sat beside me, grabbed one and started feeding me.
- I tried to pick the best ones for you - he said. - Tell me how they taste.
- Fine.
He smirked.
- Just fine?
I didn't reply. He kept feeding me, smiling. His smile so warm despite the situation.
- You know what?
I waited for him to continue.
- I am sorry.
I was confused.
He was apologizing? It didn't feel right.
- Sorry for kidnapping you - he added.
- So you will let me go?
I didn't believe it could be real, but I felt a bit of relief mixed with hope. Could I be free again?
- No - he replied.
I was disappointed, even though the answer was obvious.
- Then why are you apologizing? - I asked.
- You looked sad.
I wasn't expecting that at all. Just cause I looked sad?
His face showed that he expected his apology to go different way.
- Are you cold? - He quickly changed the subject. - I could bring you a blanket if you'd want to.
Without even hearing my reply he got up and went to another room to get them.

I kept just lying there until suddenly I heard a noise of shattered glass and looked in the direction of a small window right beside the bed.

Zandik x SohrehWhere stories live. Discover now