chapter 1

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Try not to be the problem child in the house, not my fault anyways 🙄🙂

I tiptoed to my dad's room when I heard the sound of his  phone vibrating so I could listen to my Dad's conversation Because I knew It was only my mom that would call at that hour in the Morning. There was a brief exchange of words and I could hear my mum saying she could have sent me to a military boarding school if not for my dad. I immediately left and waited for my Dad in the dining room eating my breakfast. I couldn't miss breakfast or stay hungry no matter how angry I was. When my Dad stepped in, I straightened my back and watched him sit at my front which was my elder brother's seat, not his. I bent my head down when I saw him opening a file. It was a file that contained all my students' records. My name was printed in bold letters on the first folder, and my ugly ID was stapled in the top right corner. He looked at me intensely before he started reading.

"Michelle Desmond," He read aloud. "Seventeen years old, living with Father, previously attended Crystal boarding school, expelled for indecent acts, never punctual in school/Class and for behavioral issues, and has now been transferred to New-Era high school."

He paused, peering at me over his glasses. "Is that correct?"

"Yes,"  I answered stiffly.

He went on reading. "Below average grades, doesn't take part in any physical activities, doesn't participate in any clubs, has no instrumental nor sports talent, and-"

"Dad,". I groaned. "Do we have to do this right now? Class is starting soon and I don't want to be late on my first day.

"We would have gone through this last night if you hadn't locked your room."

"I wanted to be alone to reflect on my bad behavior,"  An obvious lie.

"No you were mad at me, if not still mad at me,"  He interjected.

I remained silent.

"I know changing schools is hard but I did it for your good."

"If you know, then why did you make me transfer? I was suspended from my last school and not expelled. I could have gone back after a month," I snapped.

"For goodness sake Michelle, don't you remember how you were always getting into fights? Do you even know how worried I was when you came back home covered in bruises and injuries?" He demanded I don't understand why you are acting so stubbornly or rather rebellious. What do you plan on achieving with that kind of behavior? What do you stand to prove? I just don't understand why you are so different from your-"

I glared at him, he stopped talking and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"New Era high school has the best reputation, the students there have some of the best academic scores in the country, and they stand out both in character and knowledge. The students are very kind and smart. You will make new friends soon.

I rolled my eyes.

"Dad no offense but being smart isn't a personality, I never looked for trouble I was-" Nevermind Dad is fine.

"Wait Michelle, do you think leaving you in your former school would do you any good in life? The school itself, the kind of friends you hung out with, was no good and it was a boarding school where no one monitored your behavior. I want to watch over you myself. I was worried, ditching class every week, and going out of school through illegal ways, your Dad was a scared baby. What were you thinking?!"

"But I wasn't stupid enough to get caught, Dad".

"Michelle, I've heard enough of this teenage phase of yours. At least I'll have a closer eye on you here and won't have to get worried or keep thinking about getting a call from your principal".

I glared at him and didn't feel like saying anything. I was not happy that I had to go to the same school my brother graduated from with very good grades and am sure he might have kept a very good record there.

"May I remind you why you were suspended again Michelle?" he asked, raising his angular brows and folding his hands on his chest.

"Dad, you promised not to talk about it again last night," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks redden already. I was caught in a situation that involved me and the boy in an uncompromising state In the classroom and also caught us trying to damage the CCTV footage.

We were reported to the principal by the security who caught us the news spread fast,  the students saw us as legends, and to the adult, we were both horny kids who couldn't keep it in, but that was the only thing I could do to avoid been bullied in that school and I couldn't tell anybody. My Dad was furious when the news reached him and my busy mom had to cancel her trip to Canada to discuss my indecent behavior with the school authorities.

I was originally supposed to be suspended, but my parents who were tired of receiving calls every day decided to ask for a transfer to my worst nightmare.

"Hopefully this place will help you focus on your studies and less on useless things that would never benefit you in life".

I immediately raked my hands through my black hair " Dad I would leave now or I would be late to school on my first day" I said using that as an excuse to leave that place.

"Ok Michelle I will drop you, you don't have to go through the bus."  It was a quiet drive as I kept on eating the snack I took.

"Wait Michelle my dad called as I was about to step out of the car, promise me you would be on your best behavior".

"Uh, I promise Dad".

" No illicit behavior in class, don't ditch class just be the best at least try to be like your elder brother",

Dad, I mumbled.

You know I fully support the LGBTQA+ Community and I love you a lot. Just make sure it's done with consent.

"Dad, I'm straight, I'm not lesbian," I sighed.

"Ok baby there's no need to be embarrassed," he said in a reassuring voice adult use.

"Oi... Dad I am done goodbye and have fun at home alone".

"Have a great day sweetheart".

You too...  As I closed the door before my dad continued lecturing me on lube or sex toys. I walked away and stopped at the corridor looking confused and embarrassed while talking to myself which way do I even go from here, I looked around and saw almost everyone looking at me as though there was something on my face. The bell rang and my eyes widened. I was late for class and didn't even know where to follow my class.

A/N: Hope your holiday was fun if it wasn't which I know is impossible 🙂 read the School Queen 🥰

😆😆😆😆😆😆 Hope y'all are enjoying yourself much love from Lene's imagination 💕😍🥰

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