chapter 4

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Imagine being forced into the kitchen with Dad ughh...🙄🙃

Stop wondering what I am doing in the kitchen right now. My Dad loves cooking. He went to a culinary school and graduated with the best grades but still cooks. My mom won't allow him to work, Story for another day.

The drive home was spent with my dad asking why I didn't allow him to meet my friends, ugh he talks a lot.

"You are not helping me here, you are supposed to mix the flour and the egg. My dad said pulling me out from my wonderful thoughts.

"Dad we both know I hate cooking, can I rest for  a few minutes please..." I asked knowing he won't allow me to rest.

"Nope just continue turning " he replied
"So you didn't allow me to meet your friends today" My dad loves talking, just keep quiet, please.

"Yh they are my new friends but you don't have to meet them and tell them everything bad about me" I replied him slicing the onions he pushed my way

" Michelle we both know I will meet them someday right, why not save the stress and make it quicker."

"Dad you will meet my friends soon, How's Micheal?" I had to change the subject of discussion.

"Me thinking he's your brother, I don't know you have a cell phone why not check him yourself."

"Me thinking he's your son, I will call him soon," I replied to my Dad.

"He's my son and your brother you're supposed to always check up on him, I talk to him, but that doesn't mean I will give information about him to you." My dad replies smiling

There was an awkward silence between the both of us. I had a lot of questions in my mind to ask my Dad but I don't just know the right way and best time to do it, but I have to ask him these questions...

"Michelle, what are you thinking about? You seem lost, is anything the problem? Is anyone bothering you at school that you want me to know about? You know I will always listen to you right and I love y..." Had to cut my dad from all his rambles he worries a lot.

"Dad  I know you love me, nobody is disturbing me at school,  please stop disturbing yourself," I replied to him looking straight into his eyes because he was already at my front checking me in case of any Injuries.

"If you're fine then what's the problem, I know you, I know when you are happy and when you are sad so please talk to me you know I'm always here for you". He replied looking straight into my eyes.

"Dad, this is not about me, I am worried about you," I told him, holding his hands and looking at my feet.

"What about me, ask your question." He replied his eyes were already feeling with tears for a man my Dad was soft.

"Dad, what's going on between you and mom?"
I asked this question because I have had it in my mind for a while now. I Watched and overheard things that went on between my mum and Dad when she was home. I don't hate my mom but I don't like her either.

"Baby looks at me, I and your mum are really fine Mum just works a lot lately, you know I'm a stay-at-home Dad and your mom provides for everything at home that's why she's barely home, Apart from that I want you to know she loves all of us very much that's why she wants you to study hard." My dad sucks at lying, his hands shake a lot when he lies.

"Dad, if she's hurting you, promise me you will leave," I replied, drawing circles at the back of his palms to calm him down.

"Baby your mom is not hurting me she loves all of us a lot that's why she works hard to provide for all of us," he replied while closing his eyes

"Dad, please promise not to tell me about how nice Mum is." I sometimes don't get why my dad always covers up for my mom when even a blind man can see that my parents are not in love.

"Ok, baby if that's what will make you happy I promise you I would leave if your mom hurts me are you happy now"  he replied smiling.

"It's not about me being happy, I mean it's Dad."

"Let's make a deal baby, I will keep to my promise if you promise me to take your studies seriously".  He replied, smiling mischievously.

"Oh Dad I promise to take my studies very seriously, the deal is on, I will be watching your back now," I replied to him with a smirk plastered on my face.

Beep Beep Beep!!!... The sound of the baking machine spoiled our discussion ugh but I am happy now. I want the best for my Dad. He's suffering in silence and I won't be quiet.

"Michelle set the table, your mom will be back anytime soon and you don't want to make her mad right so stop standing daydreaming over there" I started not wanting my mom to get mad and shout at my Dad.

"Baby come and take the drinks and arrange them on the table" is just my mom, not a king that's coming home and there are several dishes just for her.

I kept on arranging the table with my Dad while having a little conversation about my dad. I have to take my dad's mind off the fear that his wife will soon be home.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong! The sound of the doorbell left my Dad a running mess.

"Dad, everything is fine and perfect, let me go open the door.
Q/A can a woman be wicked to her husband

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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