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"Once upon a time,long long ago.Well more like 20 years ago Belle married her Beast Infront of 6,000 of their closest personal friends.Yeah,so instead of a honeymoon,Beast united all of the kingdom and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon.He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks.Basically all the really interesting people.And he bouted them off to The Isle of The Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.This is my hood.No magic.No Wi-Fi.No way out.Or so we thought.Hang on,you're about to meet us.But first this happened"

-No One's POV-

     A baby.Born with hair as white as snow,eyes as blue as the deep ocean,skin as pale as paper.A baby that looked so sweet and innocent,a baby that must be protected...Unfortunately,one can only do so much in The Isles of The Lost.

"Hmm...what a monster.Cut that tangling thing off my child.She is a girl I don't see why she needs that thing!It only makes her more of a monster!"Jadis the White Witch screamed

     The sweet innocent baby cried,startled by her mother's loud voice.

"You will do no such thing!That child is mine as well!She's perfect the way she is!Shhh,it's ok now my sweet little snowflake,Daddy's here"a man said as he carries his child,calming the baby down.

"That child is a monster!A freak of nature.If you won't do it then we better throw that thing to the ocean!I'm sure the sharks will be happy!"Jadis screamed at the man

    The man gritted his teeth before turning around.A 10 years old boy with white hair and brown eyes stood there looking scared for his little half sister that was being carried by his step father.

"Nico?Can you take your sister to your room with you for a little while?I just have to have a little chat with your mother yeah"the man said softly,handing the boy her sister.

    The boy nodded happily complying,gently taking the baby into his arms.The boy immediately run up to his room making sure to carry a baby bottle with him,knowing it'll take a while before those two stop arguing.The boy sat at his bed looking at his little sister smiling.

"Hi,little angel.I'm your big brother Nico!I promise to be the best big brother for you!Oh,I'm going to teach you lots of things!I'll make sure to teach you how to read and right first once your a bit older!"Nico said softly

   The baby,as if understanding her brother gave a cute smile and little giggle,making Nico smile more.There and there he knew he'll do anything for his little sister no matter what.

~15 Years Later~

    Prince Benjamin "Ben" Florian Beast soon to be King of Auradon decided to make his first proclamation.It was that Villain Kid's will be given a chance to live a normal life in Auradon.He decided to give 5 first VK's a chance.Carlos De Vil,son of Cruella De Vil's Son.Jay Jafar,son of Jafar.Evie Grimhilde,the daughter of The Evil Queen.Mal Bertha,daughter of Maleficent.And Cassandra,daughter of Jadis the White Witch.

(Location:Isle of The Lost)

Mal:They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
And that makes me glad

   Mal sang as she finished spray painting a brick wall with her mothers symbol that reads long live evil.She hops down from the boxes she stood on and walk away purposely bumping shoulders with two boys.

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