5: It'll Be Okay

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"Being the new kid isn't that bad. Plus, you've got a junior who'll kick someone's ass if they do." Calum said laughing.

I looked him in the eyes, "Thanks, I'm gonna need it more than you think."

Calum raised his eyebrow at me "Are you sure you aren't a pessimist?"

I laughed slightly, "Last I knew I wasn't, but every time you ask me I'm starting to believe that I might be."

"I'm just joking Rose." he said laughing, I laughed along with him.

I checked the time on my phone, 12:30. "I know. Now I gotta get busy and unpack." I said, trying to hint to him that he should probably go now.

"I'll stay and keep you company. Plus, my buddy doesn't get here till two. His name is Michael, he's really cool."

"Okay, but I want to get as much of my packing done as possible. AND Michael is my cousin, dumb ass." I said laughing.

"Oh yea." Calum crashed on my bed and got under the covers.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "You know, you really like to make yourself at home?"

"Well I do babysit your little cousins, so yea, this is kind of my home."

"You babysit them?" I said in surprise.

"Yep, when your mom goes shopping and when Michael is on his shift."

"Cool..." I started putting all of my shirts in the drawers along with my skinny jeans and sweatpants. When I finished it was only about 10 minutes later. "That was easier than I thought." I said putting my hands on my hips feeling very accomplished.

"You work quickly, and you're extremely organized. I would've just thrown my clothes in in the drawers without folding them."

I laughed, "They were already folded Calum."

"I wouldn't have folded them in the first place." Calum and I laughed for a minute. "Well Michael texted me and said he should be here in about 5 minutes, he finished his shift."

"Cool, can I tell you something before Michael gets here? He already knows, so I wanna say it kind of quickly, so he doesn't have to hear it again."

"What is it?" he said putting his head under the covers.

I sat down at my desk chair, "Do you know why I'm here with my aunt and uncle?"

"Aren't you just spending a year with them or something?"

"Or my life, I'm not sure."

"Why aren't you sure?"

"I don't really now what might happen, my parents died in a car crash, I was the only one who survived it. I woke up from a concussion. I couldn't go to my parents funeral because it was too late, and because it would cause even more issues and bigger chances of me forgetting everything." I paused for a second, I really am going to hate telling this to everyone I meet, but I have to. "I still have a small chance of forgetting, I don't know when, and I don't know where. But, I do know that I won't remember anything besides the basic walking, and talking, and maybe some common sense, but not much."

Calum took the covers off of his head, "Wow, talk about a BOMB SHELL!"

"At least you can make fun out of this, I've been worried all this time about telling you." I said with a depressed smile.

Calum got out of the covers and walked up to me. My head was slightly slanted upwards to see he was only about 1 inch taller than myself. He put a pointer finger and thumb under my chin to keep my head up. How did he know I was about to put it down? He looked me in the eyes, my blue-green-gray ones to his brown ones. "I know. I could see it in your eyes that you were worried. They kind of have a deepness that speak for you." Calum said. "And I know this is going to be hard, and I know your scared and don't want to deal with this, no one does. But, it was going to happen to someone eventually, it just happened to be you and a handful of other people out of the 7 billion people in the whole world." I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"How come you knew I was about to put my head down?" Whoops! I didn't mean to ask that!

I could feel him smile, "I didn't, I was just looking at your eyes, they're really beautiful Rose, and you are too."

"Thanks, is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! It's a compliment, of course it's a good thing!!! I'm so stupid, I knew I'd screw up eventually around him!

Calum hugged me tighter, "A good thing." He nudged his head in the crook of my neck and I smiled. He's honestly a great friend, and I'm glad I have him here with me.

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