Chapter Three: Continuing Penance

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At Main Street Park, Raeph and Benji walked up to the hot dog vendor.

"Good morning, sir. I'd like to return this. We took it when we bought hot dogs from you the other day, but we didn't pay for it." Raeph handed the man the bag of chips.

"You mean you stole it," the man snarled, grabbing the bag.

"Yes." Raeph nodded. "I'm sorry."

The man grumbled as they walked away.

"Wow! I never thought serving food would be so much fun!" Benji exclaimed, skipping down the sidewalk beside Raeph. "And they let us eat, too!"

"Yes. It was a good thing to do. Many people there appreciated the service." Raeph smiled. He followed the sidewalk to the playground. "Tonka Park. Benji, may I see the transcription of the tube slide message, please?"

"Oh. Sure." Benji reached into his backpack and pulled out the slip of paper.

"Thank you." Raeph skimmed the paper, then ripped it to pieces. He went up to the playground, a can of graffiti remover in his hand, and slid down the old metal tube slide slowly, spraying the paint as he went and shouting, "Bless the Lord, and may He bless this land! May He reign forever!" He went down the slide several times, spraying the graffiti and wiping it off with a cloth, repeating his blessing each time.

As he rejoined Benji, the boy pulled out the hymnal and handed it to him, grinning. "I sang last time; it's your turn."

Raeph nodded. "Yes, but you can sing with me, if you like." Holding the hymnal close to his chest, he began singing, the songs pouring from his heart from memory.

When they got to the doors of St. Abernathy's Church, Benji looked up at him, wide-eyed. "You have a really good voice, Raeph."

"Thank you, Benji." Raeph smiled and went inside.

"Can I help you?" the priest asked, coming up to them. "You're a bit early for services. Mass doesn't start until 6 today."

Raeph held out the hymnal. "We stole this last time we were here. I'm sorry." After the priest took the book, Raeph asked, "Is Adoration going on right now?"

"Yes," the priest nodded, pointing to a room off to the side. "In the chapel."

"Thank you. I'd like to pray." Raeph walked around the priest, heading for the chapel.

"Oh. Of course," the priest said. "Be welcomed to the House of God and into His very Presence."

"You okay, Raeph?" Benji asked. "You've been crying since we were at the church."

"Yes, Benji, I'm fine." Raeph smiled at him through the tears in his eyes. "These are good tears." He sighed. "That was the first I've felt His Presence since I fell. It was nothing compared to being in the throne room, but... it was such a balm." He stopped to drop some coins into another beggar's cup, murmuring, "Blessings, my friend."

The beggar replied in kind as Raeph walked away, repeating the scene with the next beggar.

"Ah. Excuse me, Ma'am?" Raeph asked the bedraggled woman pushing a shopping cart.

"What?" She squinted at him from under messy hair. "Who're you? What you want?"

"How can I help you?"

"Help me?"

"Yes." Raeph smiled at her. "How may I help you?"

Her squint deepened as she leaned on the handle of the cart, studying him. "Hmm. Maybe you could fix my cart. Wheel don't turn right no more. My eyes can't see enough to see what's wrong."

"I'll see what I can do." Raeph crouched beside the cart, examining the wheels. He tugged and pulled, unwinding the string from around the wheel. As he stood, he said, "Try it."

The woman pushed the cart, all four wheels moving in sync. "It works again! Thank you!"

Raeph smiled. "You're welcome."

Raeph continued down the street, giving money to beggars and helping women with whatever they asked, from finding their lost keys to helping them pick up dropped bags of groceries.

When the street ended, Raeph turned to Benji. "I'm sorry, Benji."

Benji looked up at him. "For what? I saw that on your list, but I don't know what you gotta apologize for."

"For leading you astray."

"You helped me get my mom healed! That's not something to apologize for!" Benji looked at him seriously. "I think you got a rotten deal."

"No, Benji. I got what I deserved. I didn't help you; I only led you down the wrong path. When I should've taught you the devil isn't to be trusted, I instead helped you play his game." He knelt by the boy, meeting his eye as he placed a hand on Benji's shoulder. "The devil is a liar. He didn't heal your mother. He asked you to complete those tasks all in one day because she was going to wake up the next day, no matter what. I should've protected you from him and the evils he wanted you to do; instead, I encouraged you. I'm sorry, Benji."

"She would've woke up anyway?" Benji asked.

Raeph simply nodded.

"So I didn't need to run all over the city, stealing, and cheating, and lying?"

"No." Raeph sighed. "I'm sorry, Benji."

"Well, he lied to you, too," Benji reasoned. "And you're a good person, so you believed his word. He tricked you. Us."


"Who tricked you?" a voice asked.

They both turned, Raeph quickly standing and stepping in front of Benji.

The man approaching smirked. "Why so nervous? I'll not hurt you; you're my friends."

Benji's eyes widened at the sight of the man's black sweatshirt, the red devil on it smiling viciously.

"Hello, Nick," Raeph said.

"Long time no see, Raeph," Nick replied, holding out his hand. "You're looking a little scruffy. Haven't found a place to live yet? I know some places; let me help you."

"No, thanks." Raeph replied, ignoring the outstretched hand. "You tricked us, Nick."

"No, I simply offered you a deal."

"You deceived me, and then I led Benji down the wrong path."

"You were helping a poor boy in need."

"No. I was causing him to sin. So, I fell from grace. All because of you."

Nick laughed. "Well, you did it so marvelously, it was almost like you wanted to fall. It really was perfect."

"What you did was wrong. You know that, but you aren't about to apologize." Raeph took a deep breath, searching deep within himself. "But, I still forgive you."

Nick laughed again. "You forgive me?! You think I need your forgiveness?"

 "No." Raeph turned and took Benji's hand, the duo walking away. "But I do."

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