The Big Bad Devil Wolf vs The Straw House

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Cup Pig was on the first grassy hill building his straw house and he was finished building it so fast and easy.

Cup Pig: Building a straw house was easy and it should help me protect my soul from the big bad devil wolf.

Cup Pig went inside his straw house to stay safe and warm, but then the big bad devil wolf came back to try to take the three little cup piggies souls.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Oh, so those three cup piggies think they can keep their souls safe by building three different material houses, do they? Well, I think not. No house of theirs will keep me from taking their souls to eat. First, I'll try to take Cup Pig's soul by going to his straw house.

So, the big bad devil wolf tiptoes up the first grassy hill to the straw house and he knocks on the door and Cup Pig opened the window and he saw the big bad devil wolf.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Little cup pig, little cup pig, let me in!

Cup Pig: Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.

Then he closed the window and went back inside of his straw house.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down.

He huffs and he puffs and he blew the straw house down with his strong breath blowing.

Cup Pig gets scared after his straw house gets blown down.

Cup Pig: Uh-oh.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Now, give me your soul.

Cup Pig screamed and ran away to the second grassy hill to where his brother was building his stick house.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: You can run but you can't hide from me.

He followed Cup Pig to the second grassy hill quietly.

The Three Little Cup Piggies & The Big Bad Devil WolfWhere stories live. Discover now