The Big Bad Devil Wolf vs The Brick House

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Chalice Pig was on the third grassy hill and she just finished building her brick house with all of that hard work.

Chalice Pig: Building a brick house is sure hard work but it is very strong , and this will definitely help me to protect my soul from the big bad devil wolf.

But before she went inside of her brick house she heard her two brothers running towards her brick house while panting also.

Chalice Pig: Boys, what's wrong? What happen to both of your houses?

Before they can tell their sister what happen to their houses, first, they had to catch their breath from running away from the big bad devil wolf.

Cup Pig: Well, the big bad devil wolf came by our houses, he knock on our doors, but we did not let him in, but then he huff, ad he puff, and blew down our houses down.

Mug Pig: Yeah! And it was real scary I tell ya!

Cup Pig: So we came to your house to hide in there, so please let us come inside your house Chalice Pig.

Chalice Pig: Oh dear me, well hurry then you two, let's all get inside before the big bad devil wolf gets here.

They all went inside of the brick to stay completely safe and warm.

Both Cup Pig and Mug Pig were really scared, hugging each other close, and chattering their teeth knowing that the big bad devil wolf will come and might try to blow the brick house down.

Mug Pig: I'm really scared you guys.

Cup Pig: Yeah! What if he tries to blow down the brick house so that he can get our souls to *gulp* eat.

Chalice Pig: Oh don't worry fellas, he won't be able to blow this house down, you'll see.

She definitely knew that the big bad devil wolf won't blow down her brick house that she work so hard on.

But once again, the big bad devil wolf tiptoes quietly up the third grassy hill towards the brick house.

He knocks on the door, Chalice Pig opens the right window, and both Cup Pig & Mug Pig open up the left window, and they all saw the big bad devil wolf.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Little cup pigs, little cup pigs, let me in!

Cup Pig, Mug Pig, & Chalice Pig: Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.

Then they stay, leaving both of windows open, and saw to see if the big bad devil wolf can blow the brick house down.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down.

He huffs, and he puff, but when he blew with all of his strong breath, the brick house did not get blown down.

Cup Pig: Wow! The house didn't get blown down by the strong breath blowing.

Mug Pig: Man! These bricks are very strong.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Alright. Alright. That one didn't count. I wasn't ready but this time I'm gonna blow your house down.

He huffs, and he puffs, and he blew, but the brick house still wouldn't blow down.

The three little cup piggies laugh and made fun of the big bad devil wolf because he can't blow down the brick house.

The big bad devil wolf was getting a bit mad at the three little piggies for laughing and making fun of him.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: OK!! You're asking for it! I'm gonna do the biggest huff and puff ever!

He huffs, and he puffs, and he blows, but the brick house still wouldn't blow down, and then the big bad devil wolf ran out of breath and fell down to the ground all pass out from the blowing.

The three little cup piggies we're surprised to see the big bad devil wolf fall to the ground, and they walk out of the brick house to see him lying down the soft grass.

Chalice Pig: He blew himself out fellas.

She's surprise to see that happen by her brick house.

Mug Pig: Oh phew. That's good.

He feels relief for not having soul taken away.

Cup Pig: Yeah! That serves him right for trying to take our souls.

Him saying that in a happy and a courage way.

The big bad devil wolf was getting up from being pass out and since he felt tired and weak from blowing so hard at the brick house that he gave up already.

The Big Bad Devil Wolf: Curses, you win.

He said that in a disappointing way about being bested by a brick house.

He gets up a little weak and very tired, and then he disappears with his pitchfork leaving the little cup piggies alone forever.

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